AIDS -Supersatz

This is because a certain Gleichlaufes need so that the body is trained around. In addition to this basic training AIDS of course also a customized should be created women workout schedule to burn fat. This training plan should include accordingly different units. Offering himself to the example on Monday to train the abdominal, chest, back and shoulder and Thursdays belly, legs, triceps and biceps. In between breaks should be respected. This concerns not only the breaks during training, but also training days.

This applies especially to women are not professional athletes. Now it is important to keep breaks, so that the body can regenerate itself. So that the body can regenerate itself well care must be taken also on the diet. Basically, it means that it is conducive to a healthy and balanced diet in every sport and every training goal. This is understandable even with the fitness training. Mark burnett contains valuable tech resources. One sufficient supply of proteins, minerals and nutrients is extremely important so that the cells can regenerate itself and enough materials to build muscle is present. In addition, also supplements such as protein shakes can be used to promote this service.

If these instructions are observed and an adequate training and nutrition plan is created, the desired results can be achieved very soon. Ultimately it’s up but also in this case the continuity and discipline of individual athletes. Frauen Trainingsplan Fettverbrennung: Tag Muskelgruppe ubungen Satze Wiederholungen 1 Brust -Supersatz 1) Schragbankdrucken (Langhantel oder Kurzhantel) 2) Fliegende Bewegung (Schragbank oder Flachbank) 3 Satze 10 – 15 Schultern -Supersatz 1) Schulterdrucken Kurzhantel sitzend 2) Seitheben 3 Satze 10 – 15 Trizeps -Supersatz 1) Trizepsdrucken am Kabel (Untergriff) 2) Frenchpress SZ-Hantel 3 Satze 10 – 15 Bauch -Supersatz 1) Crunch liegend 2) Beinhebend liegend 3 Satze 15 – 30 Cardio* 2 Oberschenkel & Po -Dreifachsatz 1) Kniebeugen o. Beinpresse 2) Beinstrecken 3) Beincurl 3 Satze 12 – 15 Waden -Supersatz 1) Wadenheben stehend 2) Wadenheben sitzend 3 Satze 15 – 20 Rucken/Arme -Dreifachsatz (ohne Pause) 1) Latziehen 2) Rudern am Kabel sitzend 3) Bizepscurls (Lang- oder Kurzhantel) 3 Satze 10 – 12 Cardio* * Ein systematisches Cardiotraining zur Fettverbrennung ist unerlasslich zur erfolgreichen Fettverbrennung. Therefore, you should tune your cardio training plan in addition to your diet.