Love New Challenges

Why is the led learned shop window Designer in the market of the future prevention and health management through numerous part-time training, testing to the healer, the opening of a fitness facility and the development of your own franchise system in the field of weight loss Studio Director Christine Gallo himself to the study of the College. Together with my husband, I am running an own large fitness facility for several years, but still something was missing me long time”, Christine Gallinger remembers. To make their practical knowledge of the activity in the Studio on better legs and to see yourself finally again a challenge to”she chose 2008 studying Bachelor in nutrition” at the German University. The studies liked it so well, that the their fitness facility, the FIT & FUN Budingen, also after her own Bachelor graduation still acted as the training company of the German University. She also has itself to the Winter semester 2011 registered for a master’s degree at the University. Originally Christine Gallinger has learned shop window designer and also very much exercised the profession: still it tingles in your finger, if somewhere something professionally to decorate it in company. At some point I got but strong backaches the physically demanding work as a window dresser. So I decided to seek out a gym with back exercises.

There, I met my future husband Martin owned the Studio. In the Studio, I was packed by the passion to learn more about my body, exercise and diet. I completed all trainer courses and training to the nutritionist at the BSA Academy. One of my life dreams was then still the test to the naturopath, I graduated in 1994. Together with my husband I run a large fitness facility in the Hessian Budingen already for some years, but was something missing long time me, asking me personally even more.