Online Buy Sports Equipment compares 12 online stores for sports and fitness equipment Hamburg, the cold season has Germany December 06, 2011 firmly under control. When the freezing temperatures are falling, outdoor sports is to the uncomfortable issue. Who loses the pleasure in running and cycling due to the weather conditions and not want to get on skis, can get the fitness with exercise bikes in winter. Due to the variety of different devices on the market, it is not easy, however, to find the right model for your needs. It must fit into the apartment and above all the desired purpose. in October and November 2011 12 online stores for sports equipment tested and shows, vote on which stores prices, range and service. The result: With a score of 1.84 sports of scarce test winner is. The online store boasts a wide product range and comprehensive payment options. “” Also reached the note very well “in the category of phone & service” sports as the only provider. Behind the Test winner proves the universal sender (1.89) the second place, followed by 1,94.

grade fourth place goes to (2.11), with wafer-thin before the fifth placed (2.11). “Overall, eight of the twelve tested shops reach the note well”, the remaining four providers with satisfying “rated. Prize winner: quality winner: bargain hunters find the cheapest price in the test at “As the only one of the tested shops in this area very well achieved the rating” (1.41) and is the clear winner “. topped with the price touch 1.58 (good”) ranked second, followed by (1.78). Who emphasizes, however, high-quality service and comprehensive advice, should the shop look at Let the third-place finishers even the sports behind winner overall in evaluating quality and receives the award as Quality winner”with the part note 1.64. The additional services a comparison when the decision for an online shop is worth worth it, not only offers and prices but also the additional services available to compare. Not all tested shops offer a fitting service or delivery to the final destination. Who requires such services, should before purchasing look partially a surcharge will be charged also. Secure data transfer usually standard usability improvement over safety deficiencies online shoppers need to worry mostly tested providers. Nine of the twelve stores transferred personal data their customers with secure SSL encryption. Seven provider can also refer to a seal of approval which further enhance the trust. Rework can the sports equipment shops, however, when the usability of their Web sites: only at a single shop, the customer can compare comfortably several products also lack It extended half of all providers in one search. Overall, only five shops get well note”for their site. More information and results see: studies on the testwinner Portal AG operates a neutral and independent marketplace with integrated price comparison with A total of free more than 400,000 test reports from 1,900 different sources and numerous buyer reviews available are the consumers. For each product, an own overall rating is calculated from all present test reports and over 500,000 buyer opinions: the touch marks the winner the best assessment of the key product per category. A market place and a price comparison are related to product evaluation. With, consumers can buy the best products at a competitive price quickly, safely, and comfortably. Contact: testwinner Portal AG Hans-Henny-Jahnn-WEG 9 22085 Hamburg Thomas Kimmel, managing editor email: phone: 040-4135-2652


How to explain the divorce to the children Normally the divorce situations are very traumatic for the children, but the spouses consider unbearable to follow together, to maintain a relation based on the deceit would be disastrous for the children, who would suffer much more seeing daily discussions and the lack of love or affection between their parents. This situation could be alleviated with the divorce. Nevertheless, obviously to make this decision is not good and, often, according to the separation is developed, can mean a pain difficult to surpass for the children. Therefore it must be avoided to put to the children within the conflict. In addition, it is necessary to well clearly leave them to the difference between the pair rolls and those of father and mother. The separation of the parents the children must be informed into the situation of married rupture, a suitable form and according to the age of each. It is important not to speak to them bad of his father or his mother and to grant the time to them so that they understand and they assimilate the new reality. In addition, they must feel safe and have one professional direction as well as advice who help them to communicate and to solve the problem.

Also it is important that the parents inform to them directly on their separation and not that finds out by other people. Some advice to speak with them are: To explain to them that papa and mother no longer wish to live together and that now they are going to live in different houses. To speak to them of the reality of the separation without blaming to anybody. To assure that both continue wanting them to them as much or more than before and than the father that do not remain with their safekeeping will be able to see them whenever it wants. Mantn without changes the routine of your children (address, surroundings, relations with the parents, school, schedules, etc.)? Deals that they do not have any responsibility in the divorce, that is mother and papa thing, solely. It explains clearly that the divorce is definitive and that does not exist the possibility of returning the things back.

It tries to protect the positive opinions of your flexible son and in the schedules. Also ocpate of the education and the health of the children altogether with its father or mother. The separated parents who do not live with the children When one of the divorced parents does not live with the children must: To understand that the children are not object. You must fight by its freedom, but not by apropiarte of them. Knowledge that is necessary to be with them to give love them. To fight by them moved by your love and not by hatred or the resentment. To behave well. If what you want is respect, he respects your son, he remembers that they will continue learning of your behavior. To consider that the children need to the father and the mother. Without concerning the unprotected humiliated thing or that you are, they ten in account that nobody can give them what their parents need but. With information of: Source: Note of Press sent by Divorces Express.

Amount Fat

Hormone’s connection to the latest fat loss thing are going to discuss is actually what we call weight loss hormone binding. Many people complain that you can’t lose weight despite diet, the realization of intense cardio sessions, and taking handfuls of healthy supplements. When you’re trying to be as thin as possible and let the weight, you must take into account the ways to optimize the natural hormones of the body to increase fat burning. These powerful substances may mean the visible difference between a slender body, in form and one fat and unhealthy. Nothing can influence more than own hormones in our body due to the hormones that regulate weight, metabolism and the amount of muscle that we have. The major hormones that have a lot in relation to the reduction of fat and gain muscle (especially around the abdominal area) are the the growth hormone (GH) testosterone and the estrogens, thyroid hormones, insulin and cortisol.

In the event your diet program is not working, this work could not be due to a couple of reasons. The hormones can be a powerful part of your battle against the loss of fat, therefore considered the hormone problem and deal with your physician the leveling of each hormone in your whole body with a powerful supplement plan. Only through the use of these three powerful secrets, you will see a dramatic increase in results, in addition to your natural ability to lose belly fat easily. I personally put into practice the following tips everyday and see improvements every day. The best way to ensure that empiezes to lose weight is to download my free report, which demonstrates how to lose weight fast with hundreds of tips, secrets. Learn the best way to lose fat faster with real secrets that work.

Metabolism Body

The key to burn fat quickly is to increase its metabolism, therefore, it is necessary to fit its body to conduct certain battles that increases or maintains a high rate metabolic to see the fat reduction which never you have seen before. Next the key points appear that need to incorporate in their routine and to burn very fast fat: 1. A diet that will help to slowly alleviate disturbing fat burning foods him of its system. These foods are the carbohydrates that are normally of low quality, such as sandwiches process, some cereals chaptalisations, as well as the refreshments with gas. These types of foods reduce the metabolism after the exercise. This is because when its body is in a metabolic state (after the training) this, basically, below sugar, therefore, the increase of the sugar ingestion little by little will reduce the speed to which the fat can be burned.

It is necessary to incorporate rich carbohydrates, such as rice, grazes, potatoes (not fried) in his diet, since these foods will give their combustible body sufficient to continue the process of fat burning fire. Some people reduce their carbohydrate consumption drastically to lose weight, nevertheless, to do this will have a negative effect. This is because if its body is not fed, then the metabolism is reduced, like when you are sleeping, and if its metabolism is reduced, then the potential of the fat burning fire immensely is reduced. 2. To realise something of training cardio in the morning. I know that it is difficult to awake to go to work much less and, to only do something of cardiovascular exercise, but this must do if you really want to accelerate your potential to burn fats. If it does cardio at this moment, will throughout maintain his high metabolism the day. This means that its body is going to burn fat to length after to have finished its training.

Mediterranean Diet

Special vitamins and trace elements bring memory in the form of it happens ever, that they are spontaneously cannot remember something or the name just isn’t a one. This is how you not only elders. Even younger are affected by a certain forgetfulness. That is often a matter of concentration, can hang together but also with the food, or both. It is clear that good food in terms of rich food is healthy and fit. This also applies to the brain. Good food with many micronutrients such as vitamins, trace minerals and phytochemicals keeps also the brain and improves the efficiency of the brain.

Regardless of the age. However not everyone can eat really healthy. Unfortunately, this is fact. These people sacrificing also mental fitness? According to recent research studies, it seems a form of nutrition to give, which can delay the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease, possibly even prevent. The risk of Alzheimer’s disease developing is lower, the more the food of the Mediterranean diet Fish, fruit and vegetables, but low in red meat is equivalent to with a lot. Consistent supporters of the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by about 40%.

This is a lot and gives hope for the future. Unfortunately, switching to Mediterranean diet due to the always fresh-to-prepare meals is not easy and requires a high level of motivation. Therefore, can or wants to not everyone to also make his eating habits on the Mediterranean diet, even though it would be advisable. Still, no one a sensible prevention of age-related dementia and Alzheimer’s with micro-nutrients have to go without. Selected vitamins and trace elements in MemoVitum can increase mental fitness? A very recent study confirmed this once again. In this study, the participants received either a mixture of vitamins and trace elements or an ineffective Bill preparation. After 16 weeks, the performance of the working memory of the study participants who had received vitamins and trace elements, was significantly improved in comparison to the other participants.

Liver And Spleen

As a rule, increased liver and spleen. Pulse speeded, at least there is an unstable relative bradycardia. Blood pressure is slightly reduced. Cardiac sounds are muffled. There may be nosebleeds. The main manifestation of ornithosis is lung disease cough may be mild or absent altogether.

Breathing quickens. An objective study – a shortening of percussion sound over the lungs (often in a limited area – s the lower divisions, sometimes in the basal zones), auscultatory marked crepitus or more resonant medium and small in size rales. Clinical symptoms of the respiratory organs are sometimes protracted. X-ray picture orniyuze at the very first days of the disease shows focal and infiltrative changes of lobular, segmental or lobar type, with most of the interstitial (interstitial) character. Focal lobar infiltrates: pneumonia detected during the 7 to 14 days, changes in interstitial lung can be traced to a maximum of 3 months or more. Often there is extension of the roots of the lungs with the loss of their structure, these leukocytosis.

Many patients have aneozinofiliya. ROE slightly accelerated or normal. Recovery is often delayed for 2-4 months, and sometimes there are recurrences of the disease. Complications. Occasionally observed in ornithosis myocarditis, meningo-encephalitis, mediastinitis, thrombophlebitis, exudative pleurisy, carnification, sclerosis of the lung tissue, leading eventually to lung and heart failure. Diagnosis. Recognition is possible with ornithosis Registered epidemiological data (human contact with sick birds), the characteristic clinical symptoms as demonstrated by radiographic data. In the differential diagnosis should exclude lobar pneumonia, influenza bronchopneumonia, tifoparatifoznye disease, tularemia, brucellosis, Q fever, and in the early stages of the disease – as influenza, typhus, leptospirosis. Q fever has much in common with clinical symptoms ornithosis, such as the acute onset of illness, duration of febrile period, headaches, and sometimes – pain in muscles, bones and joints. A sign of both diseases (referring to the pneumonic form of Q fever) is the defeat of the lung tissue, development of atypical pneumonia, but it should be emphasized that the Q fever is much more pronounced intoxication, there is a persistent bradycardia, more pronounced leukopenia with limfomonotsitozom.

Still Plants

We can affirm that given the vastness of this family, it is doubtlessly that she is one of richest of the vegetal kingdom disputing the first site only with Composed (” margaritas” by not ” entendidos”). The Orchids are Phanerogamic plants, that is to say plants that have hacinados reproductive organs and belong: Phylum: Euphyta Division: Angiospermae, that is supplied plants of flower and fruit Class: Monocotiledneas, what means that they are plants that have a single embryonic leaf (a cotyledon) Order: Gynandreae Family: Orchidaceae Inasmuch as it concerns the Sort they exist about 650 while the Species are about 25.000. The hybrids are innumerable (close 100,000).

They are common in all site but for most they are original of the humid zones of the intertropical strip. In Italy we have about 85 spontaneous species of orchids, distribudas in the humid zones is of mountain or in proximity of the coasts, many of extremely rare them and in danger of extinction and like such prote’ge’es against the indiscriminate collection. The species, different among them, reach the maximum of the ecological differentiation with adaptations from the different surroundings and floral productions between most beautiful from the vegetal kingdom. The classification of the orchids is quite complex because multiple hybridisations between species and also between different sorts make the botanical classification uncertain. It is enough to think that in the last 150 years have been produced more than 110,000 hybrids (called grexes or grex). Luckily they have quite uniform general characters if a plan of floral organization were considered and offer therefore a rare example of a infinity of forms, colors, adaptations that converge everything in a unique floral typology.

Human Body

The human body is really a perfect, unique creation, and I am sure that you have everything you need to restore, without having to use so many medications side effects respletos. When the body is damaged, by some of their organs or parts, we are almost always responsible for having damaged because not caring for him properly. One of the main things that must be considered is; the power and the balances that must be in order for your good funsionamiento u -shaped. Liquids, water, which is essential. Many people do not take the amount of water that the body requires, and this to the passage of time creating irreversible damage in the kidneys, which are waiting to adequately filter toxins out of the body. The body should have an acid-alkaline PH, and we should not eat those foods that are spam or that harm us. Need a diet rich in fiber, minerals, amnoacidos, proteins etc. that we ensure strong and healthy.

However the human body’s defenses can be downloaded by the simple fact of being depressed, sad or not happy. The loss of a loved one, beloved, a couple or excess stress, bring with them situations that put at risk the health and thus yield the step to great opportunistic diseases, including: cancer. The people who are living in these times of great challenges, where the climatic situation has given a direction made cataclysms or disasters among other violent earth movements. Financial crises that Deplete the men who are jobless, having to maintain families. Audiovisual media invading our lives of bad news. The constant sociego payable debts contracted for millions of human beings. This is a foolhardy and hard blow was human bodies and their defenses.

Thousands of people have low defenses and they could collapse malignant diseases as a result. The question would be: you would like to stay safe?. Internalized what is happening around us, improving our quality of life even if we have to sacrifice taste for brands, cars and houses of luxuries, that we can not pay and sobregiran our accounts. Turning bad news and practicing the methidathion, relaxation and the power of prayer.Saliendonos of unsatisfactory ending with our self-esteem and relationships with the dignity and integrity of our life. Breaking with the sorrows of the past that no longer have arrangement, which is not forgive and continue the gear. Accepting those around us with tolerance and good will. Not suffer in advance. Try to be happy with what you may have, with a beam of the Sun entering through a window. Love unconditionally. This demonstrated by studies in different universities in the United States and Europe that stress is one of the causes of cancer, is therefore very important cambier lifestyle if this is affecting us. Cares about your defenses don’t let them down. They can save you from any evil.

Growth Muscle

The sobre-entrenamiento is very common among athletes and particularly among the bodybuilders, because they presuppose that train as much as possible is the fastest way to get massive muscle gains. However, this is very far from being true too train or at a very high intensity carried the sobre-entrenamiento now properly, this does not mean that you don’t have to put all your effort to see some decent results you are a physicist bodybuilder, athlete or someone who wants to add some additional mass to its structure, you must train hard and be consistentthat is taken for granted. To get the most out of your genetics, you must overload your muscles gradually increasing the weight and/or the intensity of every weight training session. However, the problem is that many of us increase the intensity of our exercises or not rested enough, or worse yet, a combination of both. The trick is to find the right balance between volume of exercise and intensity and rest and recovery. AND that is exactly what we are going to be addressed in this article. The effects of the Sobre-Entrenamiento in the first bodybuilders, review some of the effects of the sobre-entrenamiento and how we can avoid it happen in the first place.

The effects of Sobre-Entrenamiento on the sobre-entrenamiento nervous system affects both the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic in the following negative ways: heart rate at highest rest little appetite high blood pressure weight loss problems sleeping metabolic rate irritability early onset of fatigue increase if you are experiencing more than one of the symptoms outlined aboveIt is likely that you are in a State of sobre-entrenamiento and you must evaluate your routine as soon as possible. The effects of Sobre-entrenamiento on the hormonal levels many studies have indicated that the sobre-entrenamiento affects hormone levels, as well as the hormonal response in the body. Since hormones play a very important role in the development process of muscle, this can have an effect harmful on the progress of your training. It has been shown that the sobre-entrenamiento: decreases testosterone levels decreases the levels of thyroxine increases levels cortisol increase in cortisol levels together with the decrease in testosterone levels is a deadly combination, since it leads to the breakdown of proteins in tissues. These will inexorably lead to the loss of muscle tissue. The effects of Sobre-entrenamiento on the system immune perhaps one of the most alarming implications of the sobre-entrenamiento is its negative impact on the immune system, the first defense of your body against harmful viruses and bacteria. The sobre-entrenamiento can drastically reduce the levels of antibodies and lymphocytes in your body, making it much more susceptible to diseases. This simply means that if you are in a State of sobre-entrenamiento, it is much more likely to get sick.

Given that you will have to stop exercising while you are sick, your muscular development progress is It will reduce considerably. The effects of Sobre-entrenamiento on the metabolic system this is a list of the way how the sobre-entrenamiento affects the metabolic system. These symptoms are the most commonly discussed and are those that we cannot ignore: Micro-tears in the muscle glycogen levels depleting chronically slow muscle contraction and weak reserves of Creatine phosphate exhausted excessive accumulation of lactic acid muscle pain of extreme delay start damage to tendons, and connective tissue if you want to learn how to increase your muscle mass in a fast and easy way.

Gym Increases Muscle Mass Safely

When go to the gym in the search for greater muscle mass without adequate guidance, committed egregious errors that can cause us problems in the best of cases resulting waste all our physical effort, by total loss of performance or physical. Here are some of the mistakes in the gym when you want to increase muscle mass. 1. Do not care for posture. When you use the treadmill or the bicycle, you take care of your position if you do, you get a strong back pain and very little performance 2.-start physical activity on an empty stomach. To have the energy needed in training physicist approximately one hour before it, should eat a snack containing 40 to 100 grams of carbohydrates and some fat, I suggest, toast with cheese, a medium banana, or one yogurt, among others. 3. Abdominal work is the exercise that is performed incorrectly in the gym more frequently.

To perform some abdominal well done is You must slowly tighten the abdominal muscles, while the lower part of the back is kept in contact with the floor. Shoulders from the floor, should be lifted while maintaining the gaze towards the ceiling and tensed abdominal muscles, during the stages of lifting and lowering of the abdominal exercise. 4. Perform sets of biceps too fast. When too rapid repetitions are performed, there is a full range of motion and therefore the muscle does not work to its maximum level. Lift the weight in a count of two and down in a count of four. Exhale as you lift it up and inhale as you lower the weight. 5 Lifting too much weight.

This Error is very common especially among men, as well as being very dangerous. When this happens, the weight tends to shake, which produces tension in the joints, because used speed and not the muscle and the range of movement is not full. To avoid these and other complications and make healthy and safe way to increase muscle, should be a designed by expert training plan.CLICK HERE AND YOU WILL FIND ALL THE HELP THAT YOU NEED!.