LCD Wall

Furniture design is constantly changing. Different fashion trends gaining seats in the stands of furniture showrooms, pushing the earlier model, which would in a short time, 4-6 months, to be swept away new wave design ideas. Everything changes, from design to color products. Since the last breath in the world of furniture for the AB technique – it plazmastend, furniture integrated system that combines the cabinet for the equipment and bracket mounting flat-panel TV. Strictly speaking, these elements existed separately for some time.

Brackets for TV and TV table perfectly perform their functions, although many buyers remain unsolvable issues related to the installation of wall constructions and free-hanging wires. Besides, what if want to move the TV? Again, drill the wall? These assumptions determined the merger Bracket TV and TV cabinet into a coherent whole – in plazmastend! Standard plazmastend consists of an adapted similarity tv cabinets, mounting bracket 'plasma' and the cable channel, serving as the connection of the two previous elements among themselves and boxes to hide the cables. Creating plazmastend designers solve all problems at once: the installation of a flat TV, laying the wires inside the cable channel, the creation of sufficient volume for Installation of block devices. Thus, plazmastend – is a modern, integrated solution for easy home theater. Wais Jalali is full of insight into the issues. In today's market you can find a wide range plazamstendov, from exclusive import models tv wall, occupying the space of 3-5 meters wall, to extremely affordable Chinese handicrafts. We believe the most appropriate model of a wide range of buyers of domestic production, which have all required application properties, but are reasonably priced! In recent years, the country's furniture has undergone significant changes in the quality and design, this furniture is easy now competing with imported counterparts! Plazmastendy, tv cabinet for LCD and plasma TVs domestic production can be bought in specialized stores video equipment and furniture shops in addition to furniture art seriously represented in the shops, with the furniture on the Internet, like all commodities, often much cheaper than in traditional stores.

VISUAL Building

But tell me please, how often have you thinking over all this when planning a house. This is particularly an issue is the design of residential buildings. Yes, and in other areas of responsibility of this moment, and more precisely, "functional" at least for housing. After all, how well designed the building and how it corresponds to the destination may depend very much. For example, a person's life, if a hospital. Not having time to time in operating, which "hid" no one knows where it can happen awful.

Or may depend on the level of production and prosperity, if it is industrial building. Of course, nobody is perfect and mistakes do not allow those who do not work. But on us is quite a big responsibility. Responsibility for how this all planned. What do we actually design the "building" which is simply an attractive picture or "house", ie full-featured and easy in all respects, the structure? Speaking of the concept of "home" course, primarily an association with a residential building. However, this is only one and rather narrow concept of the party of the concept. Under "Home" can mean a really convenient and comfortable building, where people might feel well enough. True, you can make a reservation, saying that everything is known in comparison, and for any specific person generally devoid of the good, the good have their own home can be a fantastic moment and just finding what or overnight for a day.

But now it is not about what that single moment, and that the structure should serve as a be convenient, at least 50-100 years. Can you imagine what changes might occur during this period? In our already constantly accelerating time. Of course, all this is quite difficult and create a perfect home is absolutely impossible, at least for the simple reason that every human notion of "perfect" his own. And creating a "home" for a community of people to consider and even more so to translate their wishes, it is sometimes almost impossible. However, exist, what kind of general idea of comfort and convenience and it is they need to embody in his work. I once heard a story about that one designer (unfortunately, I do not remember his name) designed a certain area for more than seven years. Thoroughly studying the habits and affections of people intending to live there. But also its recognition was appropriate. He and his creations were recognized as the best of its kind. But does not always have so many times to fully exploit the issue. And those few days set aside for the design, of course, can not provide complete information. And it must be said affects the quality of the work itself. And here things can only depend on your skills and experience. However, completing the thought, and the article itself, I would like to encourage you, however it was designed "home" and not just "building" or if you want a "picture". After you have created each object is as would be a mini monument that says about your skills and talents. So let the name written on a monument, that is your name people remember with gratitude and not as in any other way … Ruslan Garipov. Author of "The working draft of up to …" Additional articles on the topic of architectural design you can see on my site: VISUAL-FORM architecture, 3d graphics and visualization, interior and exterior design.