Psychology for Educators: Psychopedagogical conception of Vigotsky Vigotsky (1989) used the concept of tool with the idea of something that is used for, that thinks based on a task to realise or of a profit that is beyond the tool in himself. Thus, the tool has an instrumental value, it serves and it is worth insofar as he will be useful to make reference to diverse facilitators of the action and the thought, not limiting itself the tool like a physical object. The tools are facilitators for the internalization. They are not only square of graphical registry or formats, but any resource generally (action, use of objects, appeal to determined contexts as consultation books, graphs, etc ), that contributes to the possibility of knowing. If we thought in terms of tools instead of in terms of associated contents to objectives, we will be synthesizing these last ones in a single concept, since the tool does not exist without an implicit objective.
Simultaneously, to think about tools imply to think about a knowledge object that is boarded by means of diverse strategies, and are those strategies which is taught, more than the object in himself. In that sense, we would be approaching us the education of strategies before of concepts. – Types of boarding: Whichever major is the baggage of tools of which educating arranges to approach the knowledge object, major wealth will have its relation with this one, and as much better it will internalise the concepts define that it. It indicates different types from boarding: Selective boarding: It consists of choosing to approach the object, or of spontaneous form, by affinity, by means of the establishment of an intention that involves To imagine to one same one interacting with that object. Organizational boarding: It consists of becoming familiar with the intention of knowledge, its elements and characteristics, to the point of being able to anticipate it moderately.