As a rule, increased liver and spleen. Pulse speeded, at least there is an unstable relative bradycardia. Blood pressure is slightly reduced. Cardiac sounds are muffled. There may be nosebleeds. The main manifestation of ornithosis is lung disease cough may be mild or absent altogether.
Breathing quickens. An objective study – a shortening of percussion sound over the lungs (often in a limited area – s the lower divisions, sometimes in the basal zones), auscultatory marked crepitus or more resonant medium and small in size rales. Clinical symptoms of the respiratory organs are sometimes protracted. X-ray picture orniyuze at the very first days of the disease shows focal and infiltrative changes of lobular, segmental or lobar type, with most of the interstitial (interstitial) character. Focal lobar infiltrates: pneumonia detected during the 7 to 14 days, changes in interstitial lung can be traced to a maximum of 3 months or more. Often there is extension of the roots of the lungs with the loss of their structure, these leukocytosis.
Many patients have aneozinofiliya. ROE slightly accelerated or normal. Recovery is often delayed for 2-4 months, and sometimes there are recurrences of the disease. Complications. Occasionally observed in ornithosis myocarditis, meningo-encephalitis, mediastinitis, thrombophlebitis, exudative pleurisy, carnification, sclerosis of the lung tissue, leading eventually to lung and heart failure. Diagnosis. Recognition is possible with ornithosis Registered epidemiological data (human contact with sick birds), the characteristic clinical symptoms as demonstrated by radiographic data. In the differential diagnosis should exclude lobar pneumonia, influenza bronchopneumonia, tifoparatifoznye disease, tularemia, brucellosis, Q fever, and in the early stages of the disease – as influenza, typhus, leptospirosis. Q fever has much in common with clinical symptoms ornithosis, such as the acute onset of illness, duration of febrile period, headaches, and sometimes – pain in muscles, bones and joints. A sign of both diseases (referring to the pneumonic form of Q fever) is the defeat of the lung tissue, development of atypical pneumonia, but it should be emphasized that the Q fever is much more pronounced intoxication, there is a persistent bradycardia, more pronounced leukopenia with limfomonotsitozom.