Open Source DMS Now

agorum core, open source DMS is available as a download for Windows the open source enterprise content management system with the drive interface now the installation package for “agorum core”, is now available for Windows systems available. This announced today the agorum Software GmbH from Germany. The installation for Windows makes for the first available packet. The “agorum core” Server and the client integration in Windows is ready for download. At the same time various support videos are provided with the download version. A part of these videos support the user during the installation of the “agorum core” server, as well as the installation of the Windows client integration. The other part of the video refers to the use of agorum core.

Here the user is familiar step by step using “agorum core”. It shows how the Web portal agorum desk4web used and connected the drive interface from the client PC, without the need for an additional client software. Another video shows the additional benefits the Windows client integration. In addition to the videos, the user gets more support through practice-oriented documentation, which also now available on the Web. This documentation refers to three areas: use the application, administration of “agorum core” and the service interface to integrate an existing IT landscape/software “agorum core” via SOAP Web services. More information is available on.

Abylon LOGON By Abylonsoft

New version 7.0 with random password and card-edit Seibersbach, March 19, 2008. According to today’s the economic espionage to about 80 percent is done by so-called internal perpetrators. A trip to the coffee machine or the printer at the end of the aisle is enough that an Office colleague or visitor can take a quick look at the computer. These moments are used to spot data or to copy on a USB stick. Typically raises the screensaver after 10 minutes and disable the computer.

With the soft wait of abylon LOGON, you can accelerate this process. The computer is locked directly after the chip card or the USB stick has been moved. Curious glances then no longer have a chance. Also, the computer can be protected by a long and complex password of numbers, letters and special characters without this must be entered every time you sign. Simply insert the chip card or the USB stick and can further be worked. Random password – daily changing and random Windowsanmeldedaten you want to set, that your Employees or family members use a sufficiently long and complex password? With the random password \”the Windows – logon password is changed daily. A randomly generated string of letters, numbers, and special characters will be used as a password.

With the random password prevent also, that in safe mode the user can log on. The internally generated random password remains unknown to the user. Card-edit for EEPROM chip card SLE 4432 and SLE 4442 as can now also the cheap EEPROM memory chip card SLE 4432 on reporting medium and SLE 4442 are used and accessed through the CT32 API of the card reader. With the software abylon LOGON the data on the chip card can be displayed and modified. The function to describe the map with random characters is helpful. Additional innovation more news as an automatic update offers abylon LOGON, keep new features and patches the software always up to date.

Expensive Fleet Management

FleetQ, the new fleet management at the DMRZ in Dusseldorf, the 18.01.2011: The German medical Computing Centre (DMRZ) offers its customers in the area resulting from a particular service. Some contend that Smart Sites shows great expertise in this. Who as taxi and rental car entrepreneur series rides performs, which can this now easily and conveniently plan and deal directly with the health insurance companies. FleetQ is the new trip planning at the DMRZ, even charge customers. Optimally plan the series journeys series drives are a regular source of income for many ambulance companies. So the patients just in time for the dialysis, the radiotherapy or chemotherapy can be driven, it applies exactly to plan and keep track of especially. Instead to enter as so far all scheduled trips in a paper calendar or a program, the DMRZ offers its customers immediately a comfortable calendar, in which all vehicles, dates, and passengers can be managed. The input of data is in very easy and needs to be done only once. A related site: Mayuree Rao mentions similar findings. In the trip planner just a Patients choose, specify vehicle and driver as well as determine the pickup and destination.

Then decide whether it is a single – or a recurring appointment. The appointment is well planned and it can go. The big advantage for those who settle sick rides with the payers: The previously entered data complete your payroll data. So you can pay directly at your fingertips with the health insurance companies. The system knows the driver, the type of transportation, tariffs and covered kilometres directly over the Internet. Therefore all data are available, which make possible settling of sick ride compared to the cost objects, without these must be entered again”promises the DMRZ Managing Director Georg Mackenbrock, who also mentioned that the invoice was done with just one click in the system. For all DMRZ customers, the trip planning is incidentally, free of charge, as long as no appointments on a mobile navigation device or a Smartphone will be transferred, as that is also possible.

Microsoft Lync

Microsoft Lync as a communication solution for small and medium-sized businesses Microsoft Lync 2013 offers some new functions and features in the latest version, which significantly improve the communication within the company. The connection to external video conference systems are easier to implement. Efficient communication with an overview of the presence status of each user by displaying the presence status of all users in the application interface by Microsoft Lync is considerably facilitated communication. It is obvious at a glance who is available on any communication medium. Unsuccessful call attempts are so unnecessary. Add to your understanding with Daryl Katz, Toronto Ontario. More complex conversations must not necessarily be scheduled multiparty. They can be started as soon as all required participants are present. Better preparation can be linked through immediate display of data and conversation history contact recording Microsoft Lync simple mouse click with other Microsoft applications.

So are already well maintained Outlook contacts or data from an Excel file into Microsoft Lync available. A contact, for example, via a video conference is trying to make contact, information in the form of general data and previously guided talks are immediately available, so that you can start the conversation with a knowledge about the contact of the remote station. Improved networking potential thanks to extensive Microsoft Lync user profiles with the user profiles Microsoft Lync adapts portals to the popular social networking model. Each user can maintain their own profile in which he both can store information about his professional position and areas of expertise, as well as about his private interests and his career. Moreover, the possibility to store media files. By storing this data can be found first points before a conversation, so that a call can be made personal.

Can also search directly for users with specific interests or areas of expertise. Increased sensitivity of context by change of the medium of conversation without Entertainment break each communication medium offers other benefits. These advantages can be used with Microsoft Lync. You can start a conversation mostly about written communication or purely verbal communication, so it is needed a picture with einbzubeziehen to interactive with each other to act sometimes in the course of the conversation. Microsoft Lync provides the opportunity to make a video conference with content sharing quickly and easily from an email communication.

About Xinnovations

Christian Lippmann, Managing Director of strutura GbR: “for us the year’s Xinnovations were a great success. We were able to present innovative ideas that drive us to, within the framework of the excellent viral learning workshops. Despite the short-termism, the workshop concept was therefore extremely successful, because we had not expected a large response from high-profile participants. The controversial, stimulating as even secondary discussions allow us justified hope that we have positioned our topic at the right time and in the right environment. Thank you to the club that he has supported our project as well professionally as flexible. We look forward to the Xinnovations 2011.” Pavel Mayer, head of development of ART + COM AG: “this year I was highly impressed by the quality of the presentations and the qualified visitors.

In particular the E-Government Track gave a very good impression of topical trends, developments and experiences very different actors. The discussions provided with other participants. additional insights into the practice of E-Government and the special problems in Germany” Prof. Dr. Jorn by Lucke, Zeppelin University: “Berlin are exciting times in the House – as the Xinnovations in the E-Government Forum, just past have impressively demonstrated -.

Freely available data (open data) not only have great economic potential. You open the apps especially for Berlin competition additional design fields. In this respect it would be wunschens – and welcome, in the country portal in the short term to insert an entry portal to all existing open databases, the country, the Senate and the districts have already published.” Thanks to sponsors and partners for the financial and moral support of the Conference 2010 thank the organizer for the following companies and institutions: 3-point concepts GmbH, AccordSystems, AM-SoFT GmbH IT systems, ART + COM AG, DAV IT-Law – Association of information technology, EsPresto AG, HTW Berlin, IBM Germany GmbH, IHK Berlin, index GmbH, IT Services Center Berlin (ITDZ Berlin), network of excellence Vikora – virtual communication and work spaces, competence center eCOMM Berlin, gGmbH, Microsoft Germany GmbH, neofonie GmbH, Ontonym GmbH, projektron GmbH, PROZEUS, PSI production GSI mbH, ra come on AG, secrypt GmbH, Semtation GmbH, switching time GmbH, structura GbR, th data GmbH, TSB Innovation Agency Berlin GmbH, Witte Office technology, ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH (ZAB) overall organizer of the Xinnovations are: Prof. Dr.-ing. Robert Tolksdorf, free University of Berlin; Prof. Johann-Christoph Freytag, PhD, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and Rainer Thiem, Executive Xinnovations e.V. The Xinnovations 2011 will take place from 19-21 September 2011 at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. About Xinnovations e. V. The Xinnovations e. V. operates in the field of Internet-based business and communication processes an amalgamation of companies and institutions, are. Learn more about this with Tai chi. 2008 is the Club of the xmlcity: berlin e. V. emerged. The goal of the Association is to establish a nationwide competence centre for network-based information technologies and applications in Berlin. The sustainable networking of stakeholders from business, science, politics and management, to create new alliances for technological innovation and promote the exploitation of r & d results across networks. A current project is Vikora – competence network for virtual communication and work areas. Vikora is funded with federal and State funds. It should help with, to establish the region of Berlin-Brandenburg as a competence centre for innovative communications solutions. Members of the network are: AM-SoFT GmbH IT systems, ART + COM AG, EsPresto AG, secrypt GmbH, Witte Office technology, Xinnovations E.v. contact: Xinnovations e. V. Kleist street 23-26 D-10787 Berlin contact: Rainer Thiem Tel.: 030/21001470 email: Internet:

Guide To The Analysis Of The Typical Weaknesses In The Key Figure Concepts

Practical help by coretelligence with extensive checklist for analyzing the corporate individual key performance indicators systems although nowadays almost all important business decisions based bath Oeynhausen/31.03.2010 – analyzed metrics, but the previous methods seem to be not sufficiently practical. This is the result, a study of business consulting comes coretelligence, 316 business decision-makers in medium-sized and large companies. They are rarely satisfied with their indicator systems and justify why repeatedly occurring wrong decisions with far-reaching consequences. For this reason, the consulting company has issued a comprehensive guide to the analysis of the typical weaknesses of indicator systems. He deals with the current status of the code methods in practice, the focus is a detailed checklist to the analysis of the individual company situation however. It is examined how the indicators are provided, they are as understandable and what quality of decision-making have. By the differentiated consideration of issues can the SelfCheck tends to be determined by, which action for the structural optimization of the existing performance measurement systems is required. In addition, the coretelligence practical help with the key figures profiling presents a new methodological approach.

He focuses on to make transparent and understandable the backgrounds and effect relationships of pure numbers, to gain a much better expressiveness of the figures with a higher quality of the decision. In this context is also shown as the key figures profiling can be used in practice. “The guide analysis of typical weaknesses in the key figure concepts” can be ordered free of charge at. About coretelligence: Coretelligence builds with the key figures-profiling for the first time a bridge between technology and business advice, developing a comprehensive, holistic information profile of the company, taking into account all relevant factors. This will make a much more precise understanding of analysed indicators achieved. Advising coretelligence is based on both broad and proven skills as well as an extensive methodological know-how to optimize sustainable operational information and decision-making processes. coretelligence GmbH & co. KG rifle str. 8 32545 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany phone: + 49 (5731) 15384 – 00 fax: + 49 (5731) 15384-01

Synchronize Without Server –

Data just across the Internet or a local network of Heilbronn, March 29, 2010. It should be ready in June 2010: Microsoft Outlook appears in new version. The widespread personal information manager (PIM) offers interesting new features in the current beta version. The interest of experts it is brisk, about when it comes to the integration of XING profiles in Outlook 1. To E-Mail communication, Outlook will be address and appointment management continue particularly in companies and teams to use, who use multiple computers. For SYNCING.NET offers the optimal complement: the software to synchronize Outlook data and Windows folder automatically on multiple computers, and takes the user of your own server.

SYNCING.NET is now compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2010 no matter whether engineering firm, advertising agency or law firm: in almost all small and medium-sized enterprises sits in front of his own computer every employee, sent E-mail messages and manage calendar and contact data with Microsoft Outlook. This includes notebooks, the colleagues come up Business travel accompany. From there, you want to have access to current Outlook data so that no mistake about at the scheduling. Then you need a server for all users to the same data access? Such additional hardware is expensive and should be established by professionals and regularly maintained. This is eliminated with the software syncing.NET: even laymen can install it in just a few steps and set up. Then she looks up data over the Internet or a local area network; No, the user needs an own server.

SYNCING.NET characterised on the one hand by the very simple, intuitive operation. But the functionality has advantages over comparable software: with SYNCING.NET Professional Edition, the users of Outlook data as well as Windows folders with important documents, for example can synchronize multiple computers across. Up to 25 computers that join an Outlook Group or divide a sync folder. The developers are currently working on a new Version, which will be suitable for large, medium-sized companies. SYNCING.NET has set itself aims to significantly simplify the daily work processes on the computer, and therefore also quickly adapts its software to the changes in the market. Since 2009, the software is compatible with the new operating system Windows 7. As a specialist for Outlook synchronization SYNCING.NET responds just as quickly to Outlook upgrades. If users already testing the new features in the beta version of Outlook 2010, they must not forego therefore synchronization: SYNCING.NET works already now together with the new version of Outlook. Interested users can try SYNCING.NET Professional free for 30 days. The download will begin here. 1 news/Office-2010-Microsoft integrated XING-in-Outlook_41739259.html about SYNCING.NET technologies GmbH the SYNCING.NET technologies GmbH was founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the Technical University of Berlin. The company develops and markets software for efficient Data exchange in teams. The unique synchronization technology offers significant performance benefits and savings compared to conventional solutions. For more information on. Press contacts SYNCING.NET technologies GmbH Matthias Kandeler Weipertstr. 8-10 74076 Heilbronn 07131 / 766 96 80 PR agency Xpand21 GbR Michael Hardy Dammtor str. 12, 20354 Hamburg 040 / 325 09 17 14