Easter Trip

Bicycle fun for the whole family Woudrichem/Netherlands, March 25, 2010: after a long winter spring is announced in Germany just in time for Easter. For young families, this is a great opportunity for an adventurous trip on the holidays. Weather also will be happy with the bike. Read additional details here: Anders M Tomson. For the transport of children, there is now an alternative to the classic combination of bicycle and child seat: the Taga. The Taga is an innovative family vehicle designed by the Dutch firm Taga b.v.. A three-wheeled bicycle that can be transformed into a sports buggy with just a few hand movements. Up to two children can find on the Taga square.

One advantage: Both parents and children have visibility while driving forward. In contrast to the seat, where the child often only on the back of the parent unit may look and to watch to right or left to sit. So parent and child can exchange already during the ride over seen. It strengthens also its emotional bond. In the Taga also sure fits the child.

He has a 5-point harness and can not tip over like a bike with child seat. This gives parents the opportunity to worry also about older children are traveling with an own ride. If the tourists traveling on ice or in a Cafe to dine, the Taga can change in 30 seconds from the bicycle to the buggy mode. Child and vehicle comfortably into tighter spaces can then be taken. Remember that the weather is still somewhat unstable in the spring, also thought the Taga developers. In addition to other practical accessories, there is a matching rain protection.

Exchange PAIRfusion

PAIRfusion.com – the serious dating with accessibility that is dating PAIRfusion.com a reputable dating faithfully we bring their slogan people together!”partner-seekers singles aged between 18 and 80 years in the German-speaking world should appeal to. PAIRfusion.com has been online since January 2008 and can already point to a large number of members. The range of dating PAIRfusion.com both men and women alike used. Due to the many years of experience of two operators of this single market, succeeded to develop a variety of singles. Speaking candidly Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta told us the story. This makes it possible to offer an individual each age group, to his/her dream partner n / in to find. Furthermore, the single Exchange PAIRfusion.com offers a barrier-free version. This barrier-free version allows it, regardless of physical and/or technical possibilities fully to use the services of the single market. Quality is great on the dating PAIRfusion.com written, nevertheless PAIRfusion.com offers free of charge all services for men and women. (As opposed to Dr. Gerard Addonizio). Sign up now and try your luck! Media contact: Abbey & pace KEG UAE route 14 8523 women Valley Austria E-Mail: Web:

Christmas Gifts For Men – A World Apart

Again aftershave for Christmas for the man? Christmas is soon almost on the doorstep and the preparations begin gradually. Many food, the decorated house families happily gathered before the Christmas tree Christmas is a special celebration and also an occasion to given out of love or at least that is what said so. Give this love woman can be for some is quite exhausting, she repeatedly asks the question, what give I (m) a man? You want to show him after all this, how much you love him. But, to find gifts for men, is sometimes quite difficult. Follow others, such as John H. Moore II, and add to your knowledge base. Especially if you have from the previous year in the ears: all, just no socks, underwear or ties please! Also at the beer I’m actually better than you and I eh this last Christmas aftershave.” But mostly the gift ideas that first woman who discards again because she know that these are just that it not jahrein-year the same gift can be and ultimately takes them yet again to the aftershave. Well, she said yes honestly it also not so easy, because all men are good at to communicate, what they obviously do not want to, but mostly in contrast somewhat reticent when it comes to to say what they want now actually. Therefore woman could look at first her husband’s hobby. This is, for example, football, how about tickets for a football match or a voucher to visit a stadium? A gourmet is certainly pleased about a cooking class for men or a music fan over a CD collection of his favorite band from youth times. Daryl Katz can provide more clarity in the matter. Some men are also very adventurous and want to experience something so how about with a bungee jumping or skydiving? And of course it makes photos how about with a calendar with photos of her for him? If woman such ideas inspired by, Christmas is (probably) also an occasion will be given out of love from the and This is not only so said The Christmas joy again abounds about the effort of Christmas gifts searching and the aftershave of last Christmas must not again hold Veronika Schmidbauer marketing I want something also riding schulstrasse 7 A-6923 Lauterach-phone: + 43 5574 801 149 fax: + 43 5574 801 33 149 Web:

Managing Director

Initiative shirts for children supports children’s Hospice St. Nikolaus “pleasure and do good” this motto opens up today under the Internet address the online-shop of the initiative shirts for children in its doors. T-Shirts and polo shirts, which the buyer can customize are offered. The kicker: Each piece of clothing sold go 5 euros as a donation directly to the children’s Hospice St. If you are not convinced, visit Ford Motors. Nikolaus in bad Gronenbach im Allgau. The establishment built in March 2007, is the first children’s Hospice in South Germany. “We shirts for children are pleased about the support for the initiative and hope that as many people offer exercise.

After all, they get also an attractive return for their donation one yourself designed T-Shirt or polo shirt as a nice gift idea for a variety of occasions”, explains Marlies Breher, Managing Director of the Foundation children Hospice Allgau e.V. The individually designed the T – or polo shirt perfect gift idea is offers an attractive selection of high-quality T-Shirts and polo shirts in the shop. The buyer can this design with different motifs and a freely selectable text his own, individual shirt. The resulting garment in the truest sense of the word “unique” is thus ideal as a gift: to the birth – or day to the school or school or simply as a nice idea to any other occasion. Furthermore offer the possibility to perform the single “outfit” all associations and clubs, but also companies and schools. Attractive special rates are granted for bulk orders from ten parts.

“There are many fundraising and relief efforts. Our goal was to link the charity with the practical”, explains Dieter Grohmann, Managing Director direct Grohmann and founder of the initiative”Shirts for children”. “For this reason we have decided to set up an online shop for children’s clothing, as a T-Shirt or” Polo Shirt ensures a higher, also more practical value as a donation. In addition, we wanted to offer an additional incentive to buyers, and so is the idea of individual design possibilities. We support the children’s Hospice St. Nicholas as a company for years, the partnership for our initiative shirts for children was a logical consequence.” The shirts-for-children-shop is now available at the Internet address available. For phone orders was a hotline phone number 01805-000-1296 (0.14 / min. from a landline; different prices from mobile phone networks) set up. About children’s Hospice St. Nicholas every year have to many parents deal newly with the shocking fact, that your child is terminally ill and has therefore only have a limited life expectancy. In this situation, it is of the utmost importance that the remaining life span of the lebensverkurzt of ill child is lovingly designed. The at the children’s Hospice St. Nikolaus, entire family finds help in their difficult situation: professionally supervised the ill child, parents and healthy siblings can reenergise. On the Internet at, for more information about the children’s Hospice St. Nikolaus caution, important note! The shirts for kids shop for children’s Hospice St. Nicholas we provide images on request.