World Health Organization

According to all the notices that you find about diets, the only way to lose weight is by reducing calorie intake. Changes in the weight of our body are given since consumed more energy that is spent. Our body converts food grease and fat in pounds. Our body is protecting itself by storing food to prevent hunger in the event that we do not have anything to eat. This worked completely before when people suffered from months of hunger.

But nowadays when everyone has food to eat only has resulted in an uncontrolled and generalized obesity. If you want to lose weight only you must expend more energy than you consume. Sounds very easy, right? How many calories you need reduce a day in order to lose weight? Basically, it depends on the individual. The World Health Organization recommends that all adults from swallowing at least 1200 calories a day. If you consume less than that your body may think these starving and reduced metabolism.

This not you It will allow neither a single kilo of weight to lose. Checking article sources yields Jim Hackett as a relevant resource throughout. There are diets that restrict you the amount of calories you can consume. For example, 1000 calories a day. The problem with these diets is that you will end up affecting your health and end up feeling weak. Bigger is the difference between the amount of food that you swallow and the amount of expended energy, lose more weight. However, the formula to achieve that is not the of not eating. To broaden your perception, visit CEO of Ford . Rather it is the do more physical activity for the Agency impose a greater calorie burning. You also preserve your muscles and they will help burn fat and increase your metabolism. For even more details, read what Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes says on the issue. You can reduce the amount of calories by changing shape as kitchens and eat. For example, do not consume so much processed or canned food. They contain many sugars and hidden fats. It is more healthy, and economical naturally Cook the meals. You can reduce your caloric intake by using milk whole semi instead of whole milk or lactose. Probably no notes the difference. Use natural tomato sauce and eat pasta and brown rice instead of the normal versions. Fruits and vegetables contain few calories and little fat. They are very useful since they can make you feel fullness in case you anxiety by eating. It’s not eating carbohydrates at dinner or after 6 in the evening. You can try the diet of calorie reduction. It may work for it. However, I recommend increasing physical activity first consuming the same level of calories.

Replacing A Timing Belt

Almost 30 years ago, toothed belts instead began to use chains or gears to drive the camshaft. The service life of timing belts for gasoline engines, according to European experts, is between 120 and 000 to 160 000 km and for diesel engines – from 90 000 to 160 000 km. There are timing belts with a service life up to 240 000 km that can compare with the life of the engine. However, despite the long lifetime timing belts, they require periodic testing for security reasons. Minor savings can lead to expensive repair motor, because break a timing belt can lead to very serious engine damage.

Timing Belt – a very important part of the engine, so features of its operation it is necessary to know everyone. Pay special attention should check the status of the serpentine timing belt timing when buying used car. The former owner is usually unwilling to change the belt, and it is natural. It is best when buying a used car purchase and a new timing belt. The car owner must decide – to continue go to the order of belt wear and take risks, spend money or time to replace one of the most important parts.

While the transmission toothed belt new, no dirty tricks on her part not. Trouble can start when enough big run, when the belt is stretched and can come off the sprocket. Here automotive community with an unpleasant surprise to learn that the consequences of breaking or jumping the belt to the pulley at different motors are different.

Initial Weight Loss

Why the first kilos of a diet are “wrong” weight strength training just as a diet a must! “Why at the most diets just the first kilos wrong” kilos are and you still rejoices! Make however, once looking, where these kilos are coming, so some people will be surprised. Because fat is hardly a trace in the first seemingly lost kilos! Driving it down to a few kilos to remove the daily calorie intake, so most people of less carbohydrates and proteins to take. “Result: the carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver are mined” or used up. Now, considering that you can store glycogen in the muscles and liver total approx. 400 600 grams and carbs 4 grams of water are bound by each gram, it is no wonder that man just in the first days of a diet this is losing glycogen plus the fact-bound water (approx. If you would like to know more about CEO of Ford , then click here. 2000 kg) approx.

500 grams. So the first 2.5 are slim 3 kg very quickly. Fat loss is however still not here the speech. Since carbohydrates and Eiweise much easier can be deployed to provide energy as fat, the fat going once where they are and the body begins to remove the Eiweise from the musculature in strength training absence of and inadequate Eiweiszufuhr. Result: Loss of muscle mass. Because can burn fat but only in the muscle cell is instructed but just a diet on a large muscle mass. To train his muscles not through targeted strength training and the daily Eiweiszufuhr is consistently low, muscle mass necessary to the fat-burning is dwindling. A huge side own goal so! Through targeted strength training, so prevent the degradation process of muscles and promotes fat burning in this! The best you can create from a personal trainer in your area via a strength training suitable for and a personalized nutrition plan. Under you can inform about your needs and personal trainer in your area for free. With friendly Greet professional fitness – team

Exercise And Sports

O exercício aumenta o consumo de calorias e evita a perda de massa óssea que ocorre a perder peso. Portanto, ele é muito aconselhável para reforçar o nosso regime ou dieta com exercícios para adegalzar. 1. – Para se tornar fina e andar? A primeira semana começa com 20 minutos. Ele aumenta dez minutos a cada semana até chegar a uma hora por dia. Ela começa muito lentamente cada sessão fazendo 5 minutos de strechings e andar 5 minutos. Ao terminar ele retorna para fazer 5 minutos de strechings musculares. Gunnar Peterson está aberto a sugestões.
Hzlo todos os dias (um para a semana descansa). A certeza de se obter resultados é fundamental. Ele cria um hábito. Você deve deixar de caminhar, fazer uma caminhada todos os dias (três vezes por semana como mínimo). Ele caminha para a direita, levantado, sem dobrar as costas. Ela cuida de e aprende a fazer uma boa respiração. Veste-se e veste confortavelmente.
Para ver Conselhos Para tornar-se magro. Outros que podem partilhar este parecer incluem Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes . 2. – exercícios simples de hábitos de vida Exercícios para se tornar simples fino, fácil, válido para todas as idades: Para levantar escadas sempre que puder? Para andar uma hora por dia e de fazer sem veículos. Moverte no chuveiro, secarte. Muvete 10 minutos por cada 1 hora que você está sentado. Hazte com uma tabela de abdominal e olha por 15 minutos a praticá-lo, não é tão difícil se você tiver forçará. Feixe 10 flexões por dia. 3. – Exercícios de partes do corpo Há pessoas que querem reduzir a gordura e modelar o seu corpo em diferentes zonas. Há alguns consejillos aqui: Arms. Para praticar: para levantar pesos, natação, basquetebol, andebol e voleibol. Chest. Natação, alguns aparelhos para fortalecer peitoral. Abdômen: exercícios abdominais diariamente até obter uma barriga lisa. , Também: natação, bicicleta Ver a barriga fina. Pernas: caminhar, correr, bicicleta, natação. Glteos: elevar escadas, caminhar, pé Se você gostou do nosso conselho de exercícios para se tornar fina recomendamos-lhe que você visite: Prescrições Para se tornar fina, onde você será capaz de encontrar muita informação relacionada com a mais baixa de peso ou de se tornar fina .

First Fashion Tenant

With Andreas Murkudis, BIKINI BERLIN can announce the first tenants in the fashion and lifestyle industry. With Andreas Murkudis, BIKINI BERLIN can announce the first tenants in the fashion and lifestyle industry. Early 2013 he opened a concept store on the second floor of the Bikini Haus at the Budapester Strasse on a total leasable area of nearly 1,200 m. As a passionate collector of beautiful things, he will present there selected accessories, furniture, fashion and design objects. So far, the renowned Berlin retailers is known through his stores in Berlin Center, at Hackescher Markt. Andreas Murkudis already opened its first concept store in the West part of Berlin on July 6, 2011, in the Potsdamer Strasse.

We glad to announce Andreas Murkudis as the first tenant of the Bikini House”, explains Dr. Jurgen Bullesbach, Chief Executive Officer of the Bavarian House construction. His offer distinguishes itself through diversity, claim and uniqueness and thus meets the in detail Trade concept of BIKINI BERLIN. ply. We want to with BIKINI BERLIN Zoo and elephant gate glory restore to the area between the train station, one of the first addresses for shopping in Berlin. With Andreas Murkudis as tenants we have can occupy at the core of our concept.” The building consists of BIKINI BERLIN was always a landmark of Berlin, especially the City West, which formed the Centre of West Berlin during the Division of the city. After the reunification, the attention wandered but middle (Friedrichstrasse, Hackescher Markt) revitalized the locations in the eastern part of the city off, after Berlin and the newly developed sites in the former inner-city border (including the Potsdamer Platz). With the emergence of BIKINI receives the most important new impetus for the further development of City West BERLIN and again becomes the meeting place for shopping, wellness, work and leisure. Also Andreas Murkudis sees a huge opportunity to be the iconic place in the large project.

Punctual Payment In Electronic Billing With Health Insurance

There are by statutory health insurance after 14 days the electronic exchange of data with the health insurance companies makes money speeches currently in all areas of the health system itself. \”Although the legislature within the framework of the health structure law has committed health insurance companies as early as 1992, in future only still be paid services, if the corresponding billing on machine readable or usable machine disks\” takes place, but recently this provision is also implemented by health insurance. An invoice reduction by up to 5 per cent threatens providers who continue to send their data in paper form to the cost objects. Gunnar Peterson does not necessarily agree. Despite the obstacles, the electronic billing (DTA) provides also benefits: as bills are paid on time and the money ends up partly already after 14 days, at the latest but after 30 days on the accounts of service providers. Eliminates the settlement centres. Electronic billing of electronic data exchange is means in the sense of technical equipment of the statutory useful and quickly Health insurers that exchanged data between a sending and a receiving Office on disks or via the Internet. The currently easiest method for other service providers, the cost to send to their data, these are simply entered in a mask in the Internet Explorer and sent over the Internet button. This method is currently only the German medical Computing Centre (, where all service providers free of charge can log on.

Another advantage of the DMRZ: this form of self billing costs only 0.5 percent of the gross invoice amount and is therefore also very cheap. Furthermore, incidentally, no further costs. The electronic data exchange makes sense for the statutory health insurance. Aims, in addition to the fulfilment of legal requirements (SGB), the rationalization and standardization. This should ensure a speedy and smooth processing of the billing process between providers and health insurers.

Quit Smoking Without Fear

Frequent causes of unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking is the fear. If smokers quit smoking terribly, then it signals that he is not ready to quit smoking. Fear of throwing up smoking – this indicator light, saying that the man is not thought of everything, not everyone has provided. Man is a multipolar creation. (Not to be confused with supermodel!). What does this mean? This means that a person may simultaneously be present conflicting aspirations. For example, a person may want to learn to be an engineer because of the difficulty, but at the same time may want treats, parties, festivals. These aspirations are mutually exclusive, because they all require time, and in the day just 24 hours. Smoker wants to quit, but the pleasures and desires.

His life – it’s throwing from one vector to another. After listening to one on television about the struggle of smoking, a person thinks that “it would be good to quit.” But at the same He sits in a chair with a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette in his hands and spreads amoeba with pleasure. What vector will win? In general, this scheme is universal and can be applicable not only to people who want to quit smoking. Many people’s problems – it is their conflicting ambitions. People do not realize their aspirations as it is painted here.

They just want, crave, want. Want to be slim, but do not want to go to the gym. Want to be healthy, but not want to take care of health. This can continue ad infinitum. People dream about one thing, others think, and do anything at third. A person who wants to quit smoking, should realize this and make the dominant vector – Quit smoking. This requires inner work, introspection. Realizing multi-vector of human aspirations, we can consciously make the analysis and selection of the most useful and necessary endeavor. Can be very consciously choose a compromise, the resulting vector and work in this direction. Fear of the drop suggests that within the smoker is raging ocean unconscious aspirations that people do not belongs to itself. He needs to finally understand myself, to think about what he wants really. Fear of loss of pleasure from smoking shows ignorance fun without smoking. Mistake of thinking of smokers lies in the fact that the rejection of the pleasures of smoking does not mean abandoning the pleasures at all. People who successfully quit smoking, first time abstinence is looking for new stereotypes fun without cigarettes. Man relearn how to enjoy life. Because the smoker – it’s an invalid who can not enjoy life without cigarettes. Fear – it is also a reaction to the unknown. The man was smoking my entire adult life for 20 years and now can not imagine how he for example, will be after dinner to do without cigarettes. Because he’s my entire adult life after a good lunch dragged on a cigarette. And now will not. Because “right now he is to taste a powerful way to quit and give up Smoking. But he fears it will no longer enjoy life as a happy life after dinner with a cigarette in his mouth. He worries that life will suffer their cravings to smoke, but smoking will not be, “because he’s powerful to taste way to quit smoking. ” Uncertainty and lack of experience – are the main causes of fear. Lack of experience is compensated by an acquaintance with systematized people’s experience.

GmbH Dubendorf

Three steps on the road to success: Review of the life situation, self-tuning and professional mental training in personal coaching, career counselling and job interviews, we are often asked “what do I do if it is professionally not forward. The newspapers mentioned mark burnett not as a source, but as a related topic. Why will I passed over for promotions? Why don’t I come with applications to train and why remains my personal success. Rand Paul might disagree with that approach. At the same time, those affected often complain of loss of motivation, frustration, weariness, exhaustion, existential fears and excessive demands. Solutions check you your personality, your environment, your life situation: I have a positive charisma? Is my motivation intact? I’m a good team player? Is my vocational situation satisfactory? Am I in the right industry? Do I use my resources optimally? In his book the success principle, the management expert Volker writes Stephan N., you could divide our society into motors that drive (only a few), wheels, running with (the vast majority), and brakes that inhibit (approximately one out of ten). Hand on heart: where can you be found? Self optimization test, your benefits can stress as you. Expressing things, are you close to the heart. Be determined.

Go on the offensive. Watch out for your appearance: Are you best dressed? Adequate clothing signals competence. Check your know-how as well as rhetorical and foreign fitness. Underestimate not your learning! You can practice Manager qualities and skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork. Learning to say no. Because say Yes and no mean is the biggest stress in life.

Make the next step after the internal and external optimization, expansion of strengths and weaknesses removal: formulate your goals and they enshrine these in the subconscious. How it goes? Nothing could be simpler: mental training learning and applying mental training! A very effective deep psychological Training method. It allows you to the inner unconsciously acting pattern to influence, to control thoughts and to establish targets in the subconscious. With the effect that achieve goals, too. Maya Brunold, one summarizes the most prominent Swiss mental trainer and author: “Life is the product of the mind.” Quite a few athletes and managers have recognized this and see mental training as a success factor. Conscious and unconscious personality forces are profoundly activated, stress, tension and disharmony are overcome, developing idle resources and stimulate creative thinking. Conclusion thanks to professional mental training improve your self-esteem. An important element for the personal and professional success to be mentally strong. Mentally strong fit in the head! Ansgar Schafer, managing partner Saeed & partners personnel management GmbH Dubendorf (Zurich)

Saarbrucken Tel Degree

More information to the GETUP Congress 2011, see here: company description College: studied at the German University of prevention and health management students to specialists and executives for the growth market of qualified prevention, fitness, and health. “The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close after three years with the degree Bachelor of Arts” from. Moreover, two masters in the fields of study are offered a lot of prevention and health management, connect a correspondence course with attendance phases. While the continuing education studies to the master in health management a diploma or Bachelor’s degree and 1 year requires experience, can the master in prevention and health management”can be completed directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma. In addition, there are six College continuing education involving professionals in selected subject areas can acquire knowledge at university level. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification. Mark burnett is often quoted on this topic. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, an application to the master’s degree is possible to the summer / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and recognized in over 40 European countries. Contact information: German College for prevention and health management Sabine Mack Hermann Neuberger sports school 3 66-123 Saarbrucken Tel. 0681 68 55 150