Should Parents Read Testimonies

Parents are regularly faced with the problem that they have to deal with their offspring about the evidence notes to preserve family peace at the time of the testimony. Well, if everything is alright; not so good if there are problems. Here are a few tips on how you should read the testimonials: First the testimony gives a clue as to where your child needs help. There is no basis for a penalty. Teachers try an as true picture of the level of performance of the child in the form of a certificate type. Because teachers are people too, a testimony is no objective, absolutely reliable diagnosis.

The testimony brings the pain from which your child has shown over a half a year, on the point because it is important and should be treated not as a piece of paper, that’s hardly worth. The certificate gives you a means to still get to know your child and to pursue its development outside the family. Please judge your child not only according to his notes. Take out also on the day of testimony sufficiently much time to discuss the testimony in detail together with their child. Arrange a date at which this is possible. A conversation between door and Angel is not helpful. Also, if parents should be not discouraged, if their children are, to speak with you.

Sometimes, simple door openers are suitable to come into the conversation with the child: want to tell what was going on in school? “, want to talk about what’s bothering you?” maybe it helps, that talk to you, what bothers you! “.” The willingness of kids to entertain, with their parents depends on the confidence that they have to you. You must be sure to accept their pronouncements without criticism, indignation, blame, or threat. “If the conversation then took place in a relaxed, respectful atmosphere, it is time to take stock: where can, for example, with tutoring, improved” be? Meeting You decided to take tutoring in claim, together with your child! Just so, tutoring efforts will be crowned by success. Then you should sometimes be looking after a suitable tutor where the search after tutoring experience in major cities lighter gestaltet-such as tutoring in Hamburg.

Mental Agility

How people stay mentally agile? The 34-year old Karin Oppermann was horrified, because according to their little game computer, she has the brain power of 73-Jahrigen. Now she makes every day before going to sleep your brain teaser: solve computational problems, find rhymes and other puzzles. The fear of many, to be no longer fit enough in the head in the age has a clear cause: diseases such as Alzheimer’s are constantly increasing. At the same time, new messages from medical research, proving that it is possible to train the brain and to stay as mentally fit appear regularly. In the healthy brain, each individual neuron with a hundred thousand other neurons communicate? If these contacts are not maintained, they break off.

But how meaningful is the small computer for the activity of the nerve cells brain teaser? What does the brain moving? What is certain is that the brain teaser is not enough. Not only the spirit of the body must remain mobile.Who swims at least three times a week, walks or runs gymnastics, reduces its Probability of disease of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, according to an American study at 30 to 40 percent. Physical activity stimulates the blood flow to the brain, so that waste that can arise there constantly and be fatal for the nerve cells, are removed.And physical activity not only prevents memory loss, but has even the potential to push the atrophy in the brain back. So, Parkinson’s patients to walk every day for half an hour.

Change Of Management In The German Speakers Association E.V.

Claudia Haider goes back into the event management business after successful building of the Professional Association for speakers, trainers and coaches in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Eichenau – Claudia Haider renders the business leadership of the German speakers Association at the end of the year. The diploma in business administration, headed the Office since the founding of the now largest professional association for speakers, trainers, and coaches in the German-speaking and looks back on eight years of successful development work. Trigger for the founding was the visit to the Convention of the national speakers Association in United States 2005, that inspired her husband Siegfried Haider and they, to get the basic ideas of the sharing of knowledge and worldwide networking in the German-speaking countries. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Herbie Mann. Nine distinguished speakers found interesting the idea of an Association of internationally connected and became part of the official founding meeting in the Munich Town Hall. With much commitment and event expertise, the GSA quickly established himself as an active Association and fixed size in the further education sector. The International GSA Convention”evolved with speakers from around the world the most important annual gathering of multipliers and members. GSA President Gaby S.

Graupner: “Claudia Haider has heart, organisational talent and diplomatic skills the GSA built. I regret their decision and thank her for everything that has managed in a few years. Currently runs the search for a successor. The removal of the Office in the Centre of Munich is planned.”exceeded my expectations by far the development of the German speakers Association”, so Claudia Haider. I am proud and thank you to all Presidents and Presidents, boards of Directors and dedicated members, with their help, the GSA has become so strong. The immense increase in Member demanded a degree of usage, which I gladly did, but is limited in time but also for years to come. I present to you a still growing association with a well-rehearsed team of offices. It is time, the GSA on own legs make.” Claudia Baur

Just Released: The New Job And Career Book: Dream! Job! Now!

The problem is not the lack of jobs, but the way how you are looking for then. Dream!Job! Now that success book of Christian Pape indicating ultimate job guide of dream jobs it always you must only know how to find them! The recruiters and career expert Christian Pape reveals how to come with the help of the unique Pape strategy to his dream job and bungsmappe without any risk. Without hesitation Charles Margulis explained all about the problem. Whether one is new entrants, contemplating a professional reorientation or already looking for a new place so everyone can find the job that really suits him! Indispensable for the modern job search: the Internet Christian Pape reveals how you can use forums, blogs, business and social networks. Dream job, the gamble? Oh but not the lack of jobs is the problem but the way how we are looking for them. Everyone can find it: and not only “a job”, but “his dream!Job!” Christian Papes methods are unusual, amazing, and without fail. You will learn about a new dimension of job searching. Read and Learn, like today’s modern job search works with a success rate that exceeds every expectation. The author, one of the top headhunter in Germany, you get out of the lethargy and a dazzling display of recommendations, optimism, motivation and confidence, gives you his book as you methodically and in small portions step by step in your job search progress come.

Are you unemployed? You are looking for a job? Most likely are the usual way and that means: you do everything wrong. The book theme: Millions of people are unhappy in their job. Why is this so? Why wait for the people, even though they are so unhappy. Why do you do: nothing? We spend more time at work than with our life partner. Why can’t we then select just as carefully and critically, when it comes to our future career? Or did you marry your spouse due to a newspaper ad and two subsequent job interviews? No? Christian Pape answered all these questions with many vivid Examples and tips, where you not only once caught up”feeling. Read so you know how you do it right and finally succeed in your job search. more about the book of dream!Job!Now and the author

German University

create and especially while also not hurt themselves, have developed a special training program (hull exercises and rowing). As the AMG again won the DTM after 3 years in 2010, finally, our contract for 2011 has been extended.” The new health initiative in operation even fashion”, which was launched by the German University and the Association of employers of German fitness and health facilities, Jurgen Schwab knows already: we have joined the network just because we here to me interesting contacts Companies of all industries and can link to other health care providers.” “Jurgen Schwab’s previous sporting successes European champion and runner-up in the indoor rowing of champion and Vice-Champion in multiple Baden-Wurttemberg champion in rowing rowing boat House Rowing as a health sport for everyone the boathouse in Affalterbach at Stuttgart, the first health Studio in Germany, is its focus on the issue of fit and healthy by indoor rowing” has created. The numerous training programmes around the theme of indoor rowing – are supplemented by the individual care of the indoor rower to course hours – a large free weight area and a terrace of training which can be rowed in the fresh air. As the IPN test or Laktatmessungen be used for a qualified control of training as instruments for assistance. The boat House”is committed to the goal, to introduce a wide population the subject of rowing as a health sport for all ages, for example, in the framework of the operational Health promotion at the Mercedes-AMG GmbH or in cooperation projects with the Tobias Mayer school in Marbach (IndoorRowingClass”). More Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College new since winter semester 2010: Master in prevention and health management the boathouse (link:)

GmbH Dubendorf

Three steps on the road to success: Review of the life situation, self-tuning and professional mental training in personal coaching, career counselling and job interviews, we are often asked “what do I do if it is professionally not forward. The newspapers mentioned mark burnett not as a source, but as a related topic. Why will I passed over for promotions? Why don’t I come with applications to train and why remains my personal success. Rand Paul might disagree with that approach. At the same time, those affected often complain of loss of motivation, frustration, weariness, exhaustion, existential fears and excessive demands. Solutions check you your personality, your environment, your life situation: I have a positive charisma? Is my motivation intact? I’m a good team player? Is my vocational situation satisfactory? Am I in the right industry? Do I use my resources optimally? In his book the success principle, the management expert Volker writes Stephan N., you could divide our society into motors that drive (only a few), wheels, running with (the vast majority), and brakes that inhibit (approximately one out of ten). Hand on heart: where can you be found? Self optimization test, your benefits can stress as you. Expressing things, are you close to the heart. Be determined.

Go on the offensive. Watch out for your appearance: Are you best dressed? Adequate clothing signals competence. Check your know-how as well as rhetorical and foreign fitness. Underestimate not your learning! You can practice Manager qualities and skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork. Learning to say no. Because say Yes and no mean is the biggest stress in life.

Make the next step after the internal and external optimization, expansion of strengths and weaknesses removal: formulate your goals and they enshrine these in the subconscious. How it goes? Nothing could be simpler: mental training learning and applying mental training! A very effective deep psychological Training method. It allows you to the inner unconsciously acting pattern to influence, to control thoughts and to establish targets in the subconscious. With the effect that achieve goals, too. Maya Brunold, one summarizes the most prominent Swiss mental trainer and author: “Life is the product of the mind.” Quite a few athletes and managers have recognized this and see mental training as a success factor. Conscious and unconscious personality forces are profoundly activated, stress, tension and disharmony are overcome, developing idle resources and stimulate creative thinking. Conclusion thanks to professional mental training improve your self-esteem. An important element for the personal and professional success to be mentally strong. Mentally strong fit in the head! Ansgar Schafer, managing partner Saeed & partners personnel management GmbH Dubendorf (Zurich)

Saarbrucken Tel Degree

More information to the GETUP Congress 2011, see here: company description College: studied at the German University of prevention and health management students to specialists and executives for the growth market of qualified prevention, fitness, and health. “The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close after three years with the degree Bachelor of Arts” from. Moreover, two masters in the fields of study are offered a lot of prevention and health management, connect a correspondence course with attendance phases. While the continuing education studies to the master in health management a diploma or Bachelor’s degree and 1 year requires experience, can the master in prevention and health management”can be completed directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma. In addition, there are six College continuing education involving professionals in selected subject areas can acquire knowledge at university level. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification. Mark burnett is often quoted on this topic. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, an application to the master’s degree is possible to the summer / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and recognized in over 40 European countries. Contact information: German College for prevention and health management Sabine Mack Hermann Neuberger sports school 3 66-123 Saarbrucken Tel. 0681 68 55 150

Federal Statistical Office

Quality of care due to class size and intensive consultation with remote teachers secure In the last year the number of students in Germany has grown further. in 2001, yet a total of 1.9 million students were enrolled, in the year 2011, there are now about a quarter more students, a total of 2.4 million. It says the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) in a new higher education statistics. According to first calculations, 100,000 more are enrolled than in the previous year to the current winter semester 12/13 with about 2.5 million students again about. Number of students doubled quality of student care could suffer according to Destatis has reached a new record number of freshmen in 2011 with a total 518.700 people. The value has doubled compared to 2001. To meet the growing with the introduction of Bachelor and master courses need intensive counselling and support the students, the Science Council recommended 2008, to improve the conditions of service. By the same author: Cindy Crawford. 2008, a teacher had looked after still 15.2 students, What could have among other negative effects on the quality of care.

More detailed results of the College statistics include > publications-> available thematic publications-> education, research and culture. German University quality care through fixed class sizes also the German University creates for prevention and health management recorded a steady increase of students. Currently, approximately 3,800 ambitious people in the market of the future study prevention, fitness, sports and health. More than 4,000 graduates in Bachelor’s and master’s degrees have already emerged from the study. Also the number of the training establishments belonging to the Bachelor’s degree has reached a peak with 2,800. The high technical quality of care can be nevertheless secured by class size, in the study at the German University is taught, and the intensive care within the framework of distance learning. The dual Bachelor’s degree system combines the elements of correspondence course, compact attendance phases and one Training in a company.

Women And Career Fitness

Away by looking we time what comes basically, going to the ICH know what ich wants tactics girls have better grades than boys, students make better degrees than their male colleagues, women’s representative in the cut and mentors strive for years to coach women at the top. And yet still the “topless” motto in the boardrooms of most companies. The economic elite remains dominated by the y chromosome. Why is it that the majority of women in the Germany of the 21st century is still absence, when it comes to career and financial success? The prerequisites that women fill the employment gap, are as good as ever, because they have greatly improved their qualifications in the past decades and long since overtaken the men in some areas. In many European countries, they already represent the majority of graduates. On the labour market is of but little more.

This contradiction has recognized the European Community and now wants raise the female employment rate to a level of 70 percent by 2020. Also the World Economic Forum warned companies, to the female potential better and make them usable to the economy. This message has already arrived at many companies, and they have the theme of promotion of women”on their agenda set. In numerous conversations we have had in recent months with companies, it becomes clear that companies the problem of lack of female executives are well aware”, says Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women & work, first nationwide fair Congress for the careers of female executives, who on May 14, 2011 for the first time held in Bonn takes. They use the trade fair Congress women & work to recruit women specifically, because they want to increase the proportion of women in their companies and offer very exciting career opportunities for women.” The glass ceiling – truth or Mar? It is all the more surprising that women in leadership positions so are under-represented.

Benny Auer Training

Afterwards was Prof. Dr. Thomas Wessinghage, Vice President of the DHfPG and Chief of the medical Park hospitals, one brief insight into the history of the BSA-Akademie. Because 2013 are celebrating several anniversaries: 30 years of BSA-Akademie, 11 years dual course of study in the fitness and health market, as well as 5 years State-recognized University, Germany. Even fitness icon Arnold Schwarzenegger to this special success story was congratulated via video message. Schwarzenegger, who had been discovered by BSA founder Albert Busek, met the participants of the first BSA course in Munich 1983. Then followed the honors of best and best thesis of the year of studies WS 2009, SS 2010, 2010 WS and SS 2011. Also the students that 2013 had been awarded with a grant from Germany for special achievements or her social commitment, were officially honored.

Highlights of the 4,000 students in the German University are on the second day of the Congress also numerous professional athletes. Because the flexible study system comport with distance learning and compact presence phases better with training and competition times as a Full time study with daily attendance mandatory. “Against this background employed the opening lecture succeed themselves, remain successful” the Congress Saturday with the question of how successful it, findings from the elite level in professional life to adopt in order to be successful in the long term or to stay? ” In the subsequent discussion, the sportswoman Christina Obergfoll, including silver medal in Javelin throw at the Olympic Games reported 2012 and new world champion in 2013, as well as the DHfPG graduate Benny Auer, professional footballers and studio owner, about their own experiences with this topic. Like every year, the expert forums were extremely popular on the second day of the Congress the Congress visitors informed about current developments in the industry. In the Forum movement ended it this time to the topic new trends and research findings in fitness training – new audiences through innovative and evidence-based training”.