We live today in a society of frequent and violent changes, where the media affect shapes relate to the family. This makes parents feel vulnerable and insecure in the upbringing of children, even more so if you have teenage children. If you would like to know more about Julio Diaz, then click here. How to teach a teen? I must be authoritarian or friend?, should I allow or prohibit? often ask parents, not knowing how to act leaves a taste of fear and disorientation, compared the role of parents. Why is it so difficult to relate to teenagers? Many times the crisis originates in that the teenager is treated like a child and is required as an adult. No longer child, but it is still not an adult, found in a period of transition, in which rebellion, emotional disarray, narcissism, feelings of insecurity and anguish, the identity crisis multiplies conflicts. This crisis not only affects children but also to their parents and they are precisely they who generate more stress at this stage.
The difference in generation, makes not easy communication and understanding, intolerance, that parents want to make them a copy of itself or that they carried out what they could do, tiredness, permissiveness, are some of these potholes which can cause unbalance coexistence and not only hurting the teenager but render it unsafe, with a poor self-concept, and incapable of critical and functionally adapt to a society in permanent metamorphosis. Thanks to the generational divide, the concept of life as a father does not coincide with the son. That duality of vision, is a crevasse that separates abysmally at the teenager’s parents, so different ways of looking at life: looking at it from behind and look ahead; parents speak from personal experience and your child responds from inexperience; parents want to impose their vision of things and maybe your child understands neither you nor wants to do it, this eager to explore, discover, learn experimenting is possible to achieve a rapprochement between parents and children to the extent that gives confidence to the teenager, rely on the children is an indispensable condition that children rely on parents and speak them their personal things fostering communication and understanding. It is necessary to understand that adolescence occurs during an emotional and physical separation of adolescents with regard to their parents, being a necessary step in the transition to adulthood, the fact that parents are prepared, makes this process easier both for them and for their children. As parents are aspires to educate free children, who are not slaves to their fears, prejudices, ego, or mediocrity. That they can navigate with ease and dignity in society and obey to an autonomous and ethical awareness. A freedom which must be in proportion to the responsibility that they demonstrate.
The role of parents is extremely important in the formation of the personality of your child, the example is a first-rate tool to establish habits of behaviour in the young being the first and closest models, parents. They learn what their parents say but by what are essentially; consistency between what they say and do is necessary, this will depend on the strength of education. If these three orders divorce education is broken. Teenagers have to assume and integrate values, which influence significantly his performance personal guiding and orienting their behavior to their lives.