Not in area of knowledge or in the form of frontal. This involves one of the always important and qualifications for senior managers rather Sozialkometenzen. An article by Jan 7, 2010 of the program class 2000 describes one of these skills: “life skills as protection against dangers of addiction life skills are abilities that allow a reasonable deal with problems and situations of stress in everyday life, as well as with fellow. Life competence is, who makes thoughtful decisions successfully can solve problems creatively and critically thinks successfully communicates and relations results in themselves knows and likes in others feels a feelings and can cope with stress.
The World Health Organization looks at these competencies as central for every man, so that he can successfully cope with his life and stay healthy physically, mentally and socially. Numerous investigations have Highlighted programs to promote life skills as the most successful approach of addiction prevention. Klasse2000 is the largest program for health promotion, addiction and violence prevention in the elementary school. It accompanies children from the first to the fourth grade, to strengthen their health and life skills at an early stage and continuously. While it relies on the cooperation of teachers and external Klasse2000 health promoters. Klasse2000 promotes the positive attitude of the children to the health and knowledge about the body. Exercise, healthy nutrition, and relaxation are important building blocks of Klasse2000 such as coping with emotions and stress, problem and conflict resolution strategies.
So Klasse2000 helps the children to master their lives without drugs, violence, and 10.85 behavior. Already reached about half a million children Klasse2000 in 1991 by a team of experts from medicine and education at Nuremberg Hospital developed. Since then, the program is constantly developed and optimized.In the school year 2008/09, over 325,000 children from 13.909 primary school classes in all provinces participate in Klasse2000. Since the beginning of the program over 630,000 children made acquaintance with Kami, the sympathy figure that leads them through four years of schooling. Your sponsorship – for healthy children Klasse2000 is financed almost entirely through donations, mostly through sponsorships for individual classes. Godparents are E.g. parents, associations, Lions clubs, companies, health insurance companies, cities and districts, doctors or banks. The sponsorship amount is 220 per class per school year. Of which we finance the health promoter’s fees, the teaching materials, the evaluation, development and the Organization of the program. With 220, promote the healthy development of children of a Schuklasse – an important investment for the future! has decided to a sponsorship and support for the first classes of the Juliankaschule in Heiligenstedten. The Managing Director of, Mr. Oliver Reiser, sets a particularly for projects for children: “class 2000 is a project that should be included at each school. Here, an important tool for more life is given with children: social competence. We need strong children! “ is Pate-you be Godfather!” In the school year 2008/09 supported nationwide over 6,976 Godfather Klasse2000 and 325.746 children made it possible to take part in the program and to win fun at an early stage in an active and healthy life.” Here you get directly to the sponsorship Declaration. Anja Reiser.