Chinese Academy

And this poor osteoporosis already started to affect even more wretched humanity, and especially women who gave birth and reared children, and therefore, gave them their calcium. And, fatally hit harder and oncology. Deaths from Osteoporosis as a sudden popped up to third place after cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Molecular same calcium, we tried to stop the destruction of bone, with difficulty assimilating only 10-30 per cent, the rest mass of settled into our joints and organs in the form of salts come, bringing not only benefit as harm. Six years the best minds of the Chinese Academy of Sciences struggled with the creation of such calcium. And still have her. In 1993, development work has been exhibited at an international tender. If you would like to know more then you should visit Geoffrey Harger.

Many countries would like to purchase the right to manufacture it. Money offered more. America was ready to roll away, for example, $ 8 million. But China has upheld that right for himself. Production of biologically active calcium ion has been entrusted to the best businessman of the country. So formed Tianshi corporation, which in Chinese means the Flying Lion. Today its products are known all over the world. And its president, Lee Chin-yuan called the king of calcium.

Now the flow of the corporation are many types of calcium that is absorbed by 95-98 percent. This, above all, common Biocalcium. It is enriched with vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Pleasant taste, he gladly consume both old and small. But for the old and created another small, special product, called the Children's calcium. In addition it contains vitamins and other large amounts of iron and zinc, needed for toddlers grow and strengthen the immune system. This calcium is recommended even for newborns. Mom sprinkled powder nipple, and the kids with the mother's milk soak it in themselves. And they have developed as it should – and teeth together in time and grow, and they begin to walk earlier than their peers, and talk. The same can be maintained in calcium and elderly parents whose immune system is also nearing zero.

Environment Health

The only way to lay the a good foundation and ensure your child's health for a lifetime. Only a child, food satisfies all the requirements for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, can develop properly and in full As use of genetically its potential. An integral part of good nutrition and healthy lifestyle is to limit the consumption of various substances that are harmful to health. There are two main source from which we get these substances – from the environment (air pollution, smoking, etc.) and from food (in the form of artificial additives that are used in industrial food processing). Environmental contamination is not always amenable to our influence, but those things are in our power – that is what our kids (and ourselves) put in his mouth! And among them – the colors, preservatives, flavoring agents, fixers and more. All these substances will definitely improve the taste and appearance of products, extend their shelf life, but as a whole – it has a price! And the price is very high! We are paying with their health and the health of their children! I want more focus on food coloring, although it is said below is true, in part or in full, with respect to all substances that are added during industrial food processing. Children are the greatest users of these substances because they eat large amounts of sweets to their relatively small size. Food colors are added to almost all sweetness on the market. Remember – the product of more beautiful and more colorful, the more it dyes, and so they are stronger and more dangerous to health.

Gray Tattoo

How many tattoos, the same issue exists in tattoo removal. It is known that in ancient Egypt tattoos removed by rubbing the asbestos – a kind of skin resurfacing or dermabrasion. In the modern world, tattoos can also be removed very different ways. Consider the most famous. Vera Want will not settle for partial explanations. The first thing to face than people who want a tattoo removed, from the numerous rumors and "examples" as Someone, somewhere has brought tattooing by plugging it with milk or hydrogen peroxide, but for some reason, no such person has not been seen. Theoretically, the introduction of any foreign substance into the skin causes an inflammatory reaction and may contribute to the destruction and removal of pigment from the skin.

But in practice – this is an inefficient way and does not lead to at least some visible results – only the scars. There is a tattoo on the market of services, such a method, as "Whitening" or "dilution" of tattoo by tattoo VANISHa (vanish-Eng. Get all the facts and insights with Dan Ariely, another great source of information. Bleach) then effects a little better, but after three or four "punch" that can be achieved as a means of blurring the tattoo – it becomes vague and may resemble a dirty colored stain on the skin. Talk about smooth skin and the disappearance of a tattoo is not necessary. Another of the common ways that come to mind a man who chooses to get rid of tattoos, as well as numerous tips "skilled" – is to beat a tattoo on top of white or flesh-colored paint. Sometimes there are inexperienced or indifferent tattoo wizards to help in this event.

But the experienced tattooist will not do so and explain why – in the first place it looks unnatural (like a patch), and secondly after a while the darker colors of the old tattoo will manifest through the bright colors. One of adequate ways to get rid of old tattoos that make so-called "cover" or cover up, that is, cut off the old image to new, higher-quality and artistic. This is a very good way, such as for military tattoos, or tattoos done professionally a long time. You've got to consult with the tattoo master and it is likely you will be proud to wear professional highly artistic tattoo style tribal or Black & Gray instead of the blue crooked crap on his shoulder. If you do decide that you want to remove a tattoo, then trust the professionals, because tattoo removal is a serious procedure and should be performed by a doctor.

Quit Smoking

As the experience of the Centre 'Stoptabak', a smoker who refuses to use cigarettes (quit smoking) is exposed to two factors that lead him to start smoking again: Provocations smoking environment. All smokers want to quit smoking. But not all go to the end of this desire. Many have tried to quit and lights again. When you break out of this prison, you'll find that smokers around you envy you. Among those envious sure there are those who consciously or unconsciously will provoke you. Provocation may look innocent – a joke, offered sympathy cigarette in stressful moments, etc. However, at certain moments you realize that some people are especially angered you, provoke aggression, do anything to get you to smoke.

This happens not because smokers are really bad … Just when someone quits smoking nearby, he goes on like rung higher and, thus, lowers self-esteem smoker. Strong physiological meal with smoking cessation. Feeling overwhelmed, "Cotton finiteness", discomfort in the stomach, sinking hunger, pain in different body parts, etc. The most severe test falls on the first few days after the date of quitting. These unpleasant sensations associated with a lack in the body of nicotinic acid, which previously came with cigarette smoke …

And before – before people lit their first cigarette, the nicotinic acid produced by the body in sufficient quantity for him. With smoked a cigarette the same nicotinic acid production ceases and it begins to flow from an external source. The combination of these factors leads to the fact that 90% of cases, the smoker lights a cigarette again and remains nikotinozavisimym and beyond. Exactly in order to prevent the influence of the above factors, the Centre "Stoptabak" conducts group and individual courses for smokers, consisting of interactive training, "I am free! Opposition to nicotine provocation "and procedure, anti-stress detoxification. During the training, "I am free! Opposition to nicotine provocation "study smokers' deliberate technique of smoking," get the motivation for excluding smoking, choosing when and how to stop smoking, learn not to envy smokers after its cessation, acquire practical skills counter nicotine provocations smoking environment. After passing given training about 80% of the participants stopped smoking cigarettes. The rest are entitled to free opportunity to take an additional 2.5 hour course individually. Training helps to successfully cope with the psychological and motor parts refleksornoy nicotine addiction. The result of passing the training will be your deliberate refusal of smoking.

Do Not On A Diet!

The benefits of a long-term nutrition help at the six-pack and abdominal training diets cost much money first and foremost. In particular special diets where you for weeks eats finished powder drinks. The only thing these diets cause: You fill the purse of this powder drinks manufacturers and are not useful if you want to build strong abdominal muscles. Really remove or reduce his weight can rarely use this method? While you will lose some weight, due to the reduced calorie intake. But evil awakening will show up soon. The yo-yo effect in diets during a diet is fed to the body of fewer calories. This causes the body to better classify its remaining energy reserves.

The metabolism is lowered to a minimum. A diet for the muscle building pure poison. The body tries its metabolism most run to keep. But where to get the necessary energy absence but the necessary calories for that? From the muscles! The more muscles you has, the body requires more calories to get them. When not enough calories available, the body sees too many muscles as a luxury and begins to reduce them or to convert into energy.

The muscles shrink. As soon as one has now completed the diet or settles, it switches back into old eating habits. The calories again increasingly taking up, immediately stored in the fat because the body from the lent has learned to provide for a rainy day. And this is the yo-yo effect! So reduce his weight healthy and correct diet and lose weight want to, should do so in a long-term way. A nutrition is the key. A look at the 10 food group burn the calories and build muscle (to find articles in the blog of is of advantage. This food is there in every supermarket and missing in any kitchen when one’s goal is to lose weight and build muscle. You delete the word diet out of your head I still have in my whole life no diet made. Why? Because it was quite simply never needed. Alone through a balanced diet, I manage to keep my weight and build muscle. I meet people who are convinced again and again, the less you eat the more weight they lose. But unfortunately, as described above that is a widespread mistake which has manifested itself in the minds. The body is spread through several meals throughout the day always optimally provided, the metabolism is always active and this affects also the fat pad. 5-6 drink meals plenty of water the right foods then klappts with the figure. Have fun and success during training! Regards Tobias Fendt

Brazilian Institute

5 RESULTS AND QUARRELS 5,1 GENERAL ASPECTS OF the ISLAND DE SANTANA the intitled research Public Health: Buccal hygiene as Quality of Life, was carried through in the locality of Island of Santana, City of Santana, State of the Amap. The Island of Santana possesss an exuberant beauty of bushes and birds, small groupings of beach and is surrounded by the River Amazon, is approximately 05 (five) minutes of the headquarters of the City of Santana and the access is made fluvial way, by means of the use of small boats that are called by the local population of ' ' catraias' ' , these are anchored in a port bred specifically for the embarkment and landing of people and some types of foodstuffs, as: banana, goiaba, vegetables, vegetables, pulp of fruits and aa, typical fruit of the region, much appreciated by the local population. 900 (nine hundred) families live approximately in the region, according to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statisticians (IBGE 2009). The State School Osvaldina functions in the place Blacksmith Da Silva who takes care of to the pertaining to school average of 1 series of basic education until average education, also possesss a Basic Unit of Health, where doctor and other deriving services of the public health are carried through atendimentos and a police rank. In the region School is located 1 Forest of the disactivated State meeting has 10 years more than. The conditions of the place in relation to the basic sanitation are precarious, therefore canalized water does not exist, the houses possesss artesian wells, nor sanitary sewer, fas septic if they find in the proper land of the residences, the streets are not tarred and the garbage collection is made two times in the week by means of a small tractor with dump-cart (the tow) that it passes the same in the houses collecting.

Womens Internet Store

Probably every person working on the phone for calls pootvechav couple of months starting as a group of callers. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Steve Vai. Female and male, rough and pleasant voices – in fact, combinations of timbre, intonation and other distinguishing features are not so much. A friend of mine, the operator on the phone, whose last job female online store, told me that she identifies four main types of female voices, and four men. And this division is not simply as a means pleasant to talk to one or another buyer, but on the basis of votes she can already draw the conclusion that people will order something or not, there will be problems with delivery or not and whether or not at all accept this order. Women Valais 'garrulous aunt' She usually in the background clatter of voices girlfriends and teaspoons – or call it a smoke break or at lunchtime. Break is usually about forty minutes – and she did not spend it broke time to discuss with you all the novelties of the market in its area of interest.

It will consult on anti-cellulite underwear, epilators and gas stoves at the same time. Communicate with her usually pleasant (but not when 5 concurrent calls), and the client is good – 90% of cases will order myself something, and even girlfriends sagitiruet. They are usually bought up to 18 – that is to work. 'Young Mother' voice is usually worn out from her in the background could be heard crying a small child.

Anxiety Situation

The anxiety in a certain sense is very similar to the fear, and in fact, shares a series of common characteristics with other emotions, like for example the annoyance. The emotions arise at a certain time, are a reaction before a specific situation, last in the time and they are accompanied by physiological answers. The then anxiety is an emotional reaction that arises before the alarm situations, or ambiguous situations, or of uncertain result, it prepares and us to act before them. To this we felt it reaction generally like a disagreeable experience with which we put ourselves alerts against the possibility of a negative result for our interests. When we anticipated that something can be negative or to leave badly, we began to worry and to put to us nervous. Simultaneously we are activating a series of personal and physiological resources prepare that us to confront this situation.

Nevertheless, sometimes, false alarms arise. We activated without knowing the cause very well. Sometimes the anxiety arises simply because it worries to us that others realize our state of nervousness, or because the things worry to us that we thought or we felt when we are nervous (normally, the possibility of losing the control), or because we give too much importance him to some physiological answers (tachycardia, increase in the respiratory frequency, perspiration) that shoot the anxiety. When we are nervous we have more negative thoughts, than although they are a manifestation of anxiety, they generate more anxiety as well. For that reason one says that the anxiety is of circular character: when we reviewed our preoccupations, we activated more; if it worries to us to have anxiety, this will increase.

The associative learning (to associate stimuli with a situation) plays a very important role in the anxiety pictures. We can see us faced a situation that is not dangerous nor threatening, nevertheless, generates anxiety to us. We can even remember as in the past we could face it without fear or not even we even paid attention to him. In this case it is probable that we pruned to remember that a first moment had to exist at which the anxiety appeared in happiness situation and thence that situation was associated to negative states (anxiety). The fear to the anxiety reaction takes to some people to avoid the situations before which this reaction has arisen before, which avoids that the anxiety arises, nevertheless, this avoidance causes that it increases to the fear and the insecurity towards the same, so that when we did not prune to avoid them, stronger reactions of anxiety will arise. Thus they are gotten to develop the phobias. If we want to reduce the anxiety before certain situation, it is necessary to expose itself little by little to her (subsequent approaches), controlling every time a little plus the advance although the nervousness he is present and encouraging us by each small success.


Emerges a new paradigm based on the perennial philosophy, education holistic that overcomes the old paradigms taking as a centre to humans and this to be aware of their realities worry not anything else by the, but also by the universe where he lives. This paradigm provides a vision of reality dynamic, complex and open to holistic education and with human sensitivity that overcomes the fragmented and mechanical vision of the 18th century. The perennial philosophy aims happiness is where we recognize ourselves as universal beings in interdependence with all, is why we find that more fully developed human beings were universal beings who embraced all beings without distinction. Herbie Mann gathered all the information. Here teaches us the fundamental Declaration of the your are that. There is duality between individual self and the universal being, which is to overcome the problem of individualism, the separateness. It shows us the broad guidelines for life, since her come the answers to various questions that we do throughout our lives. This philosophy helps us to recover the value of our planet giving us that it is a living organism and not a machine as shown in the mechanistic paradigm. It is the heart of education holistic that defines its meaning and mission.

Aldous Huxley He was one of the pioneers of this philosophy where reference is made to the spiritual wisdom that has been present through all of humanity and is the same not dogmatic essence shared by religions. Holistic education is a process to make us more aware that the world is a unity and not a whole, discovering who we truly are through direct inquiry. In the process holistic relate all our human potential: scientific, spiritual, artistic, social to name a few. A holistic educator does not see the student as a brain this processing only information in the classroom and that is only there to occupy a place but that he sees it as a possessor of a potential human being, as a spiritual being in search of a meaning, as a being full of various dimensions in their human experience.

Hand Hygiene And Hospital Cleaning – Participatory Actions In Hospitals

Hand hygiene is a must in hospitals and professional hospital cleaning protects employees, visitors, and on May 7, 2013, the Evangelical hospital in Mulheim held a day of action to take patients. The occasion was the month of may as the month of hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is an important part for the protection of patients, visitors and staff from infection. That’s why hand hygiene is a must on the hygiene plan of hospital and other health care facilities such as nursing homes and doctor’s offices. Hand hygiene is supported by a professional hospital cleaning, as offered by Healthy hospital facility with professional hospital cleaning staff of a hospital or other healthcare facility as well as visitors and patients touch the Interior every day with your hands. Hands can so pathogens on the door handles, walls or dishes, but also to other objects and facilities, which are touched with the hands, leave behind.

Only through the regular professional cleaning of hospital, the unit can be used to clean this infection and so people protected from infections in health care facilities and hospitals. The disinfection of the hands is essential constantly in contact with patients for employees in a hospital of the handle to the disinfection tank is a must after completion of the treatment and the care. The disinfection container must be filled always with fresh disinfectant and ready for use. Again, a professional hospital cleaning is an important part, because this task is assumed by you. Professional hospital cleaning Kruger Krueger’s & health protection for patients, staff and visitors in health facilities whether hospital, clinic, nursing home or rehabilitation center, the Kruger & Kruger facility services GmbH provides these facilities hospital cleaning tailored to the respective hygiene plans individually. In addition to the cleaning of Hospital cleaning offers medical supplies and areas which are exposed to constant touch by hands, also the professional cleaning of floors, surfaces, Windows and entrances, as well as cleaning services for hospital canteens. Contact: Chip & chip facility services GmbH Tratzigerstrasse 21 22043 Hamburg Managing Director: Sven Kruger Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 / 413 66 199 0 fax: + 49 (0) 40 / 413 66 199 9 Web: E-Mail: