Popular Culture Located

$fortaleza is known world-wide thanks to its beautiful beaches and festive people. But, beyond the flaring natural landscapes and parties that attract tourist the year all, the city also congregates important museums that evidence since the pertaining to the state of Cear culture until the workmanships of international artists. Museum of Art Contemporary Also called MAC, the museum it possesss 13 rooms, where expositions, visits, courses and debates on the art are carried through Brazilian and foreign contemporary. The space is located in the Center Dragon of the Sea of Art and Culture, considered one of the responsible attractions for the tourist demand search of hotels in $fortaleza. Museum of the Automobile of the Cear Inaugurated in 1981, the museum more than congregates a collection with 50 vehicles, between rarities of the marks Cadillac, Fiat, Ford and Chevrolet.

The automobiles, national, American and European date of the decade of 1910 the 1970, being that Ford T, of 1917, is oldest of the quantity. Museum of Art and Popular Culture Located in Center of Tourism of $fortaleza, since 1973, the museum counts on three sections, being religious art, utilitarian art and recreativa art. There, parts of artists and craftsmen meet who give samples of the pertaining to the state of Cear popular art. Museum of the Cear The first museum of the state shows belongings of historical personages, as the Ccero priest and the cangaceiro Lampio. The quantity also counts on a collection of twines, paintings, currencies, weapons, documents of the abolition of the local slavery and other thousands of aboriginal and religious item. Beyond the museums, $fortaleza possesss diverse other tourist, historical points and of entertainment, that keeps the stay of any tourist always put into motion. Ladislada de Lara is guide of tourism, loving of books, photograph, trips and culture. It likes to share its experiences with the biggest number of possible details.

Street Maciel Pinheiro

We break of the Paraibano 2 secondary school 07h45min of day 28/11/2009 with intention to see the landscapes and its modifications. 1. Historical center the historical center starts in the area of the palace of the Bishop, and where the houses to its redor with constructions of the time of the empire be situated in the high part of the historical center and the low parts they are the fertile valleys of the river Paraba, fertile valley of the river sanhau, and fertile valleys of the river Jaguaribe and the beaches. The beginning of the historical center is called mines tray of the zone of the bush the historical center of Joo Person goes very beyond the Street Maciel Pinheiro and Navarrese Antenor, therefore it also encloses the Gerenal Ozrio and the Street of the Republic. For even more analysis, hear from Tiffany Espensen. In the photo 1e 2 we can see the styles of the houses where they inhabited you of device, the captains mor, the high traders, the military and the clergy all had a symbol in the faade for identification of each one family. The large houses of the rich ones did not have gratings, therefore the thieves who existed were cut the hands to it and when they stole of the high society they went for guillotine. The large houses had beirais that they were eira, side and sobreira. 2. You may want to visit celebrity trainer to increase your knowledge.

House of the powder the house of the powder, where if they kept to the weapons and powders of the military used in the defense of the city, the position of the house had all the vision of the relief where if to see the sugar cane-of-sugar and the fluvial plain, what he was strategical. The house had Portuguese characteristics, was done with local substance cousin, the walls was made of calcareous rock, clay and later placed sca and made the mortar. The format of the made half round roofing tile for the slaves molded who them in the thighs and as nor all had the same thickness always leaves pies. . Follow others, such as Daryl Katz, and add to your knowledge base.

Teaching Geography

The Education and Ensino of Geography Are lived in the height of the globalization of the economy and the communications, at a time marked for the contradictions, individualism and changes. Inside of this scene after-modern, the schools must act imposing new challenges for the educators. Ahead of this modernity, as it must be the education of geography? Old geography was part only of didactic books, as it had become to be in the paper, only having a utility: to serve the military interests, that is, to go to the war. Today it continues going the war, but for a better life that does not scrumble the Armed Forces, but the population, mainly the people see who it in a critical way. Wendy Rene usually is spot on. In accordance with Lucci (1998, P. 15): ' ' science that studies the production of the space and its transformations for sociedade' '. In this context, the work of the geographic education is not more than memorization, consists of taking the people in general, the citizens, to a critical and space conscience with reasoning to locate and to extend definitive facts.

For Callai (1998, P. Supermodel follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. 56): Geography is the science that studies, analyzes and tries to explain the space produced for the man and, while education substance, it allows that if it perceives as participant of the space that studies, where the phenomena that occur there are resulted of the life and the work of the men and are inserted in a development process. Being thus, the object of study of geography in the school, is the geographic space, understood as the social space, concrete, in dynamic and possible movement of successive changes, in the measure where the society also if modifies, however, each new time does not erase of all previous space, thus the past leaves marks in the gift. According to Milton Saints (1996, P. 114): ' ' The space is accumulated time, is history geografizada' '. Daryl Katz contributes greatly to this topic.


Society without nature does not exist, this is a non-separable pair of the reality, therefore it does not have nature that it is not social. The society when it is assumen of the nature constructs another geography thus, humanizando and transforming it into geography human being who has its base in physical geography. Since the period that if it initiated the quarrel enters chains of the determinista thought and possibilista, it was eliminated interpretation on the nature. Beginning the Ratzeliano thought if occupies with a problem that if it originated in the philosophy that is the quarrel on the relation man-half and among others to explain the man of century XIX, being Ratzel criticized for the Frenchmen judged that it as politician and not as scientist. Questions had been appearing as what they are the differences between the peoples? Which is the essence of a people? If it has relation between man and way and because this relationship happens? For Ratzel the necessities human beings are centered in the feeding and the habitation and force the relationship of the man with the way. It it initiates the understanding of the relation society-nature, however not of the continuity, therefore it is concentrated in criticizing its predecessors; to affirm that the geographic conditions influence the societies and the grouping of individuals if it carries through around the survival thus originating the people, its territory, the State where in agreement the relation society-nature if configures different States; to argue epistemologia and the methodology. For Marx and Engels a relation exists enters the men by means of appropriation of the nature where the social division of the work emerges. History and geography if inaugurate when initiating themselves it relation society-nature, therefore when the society if appropriates of the nature it creates a new order space-weather. The distinction between the men and the animals is characterized by the condition of the human beings to produce its life material e, therefore to construct itself to it same, different of the animals that act its instincts and momentneas necessities in accordance with.