
Society without nature does not exist, this is a non-separable pair of the reality, therefore it does not have nature that it is not social. The society when it is assumen of the nature constructs another geography thus, humanizando and transforming it into geography human being who has its base in physical geography. Since the period that if it initiated the quarrel enters chains of the determinista thought and possibilista, it was eliminated interpretation on the nature. Beginning the Ratzeliano thought if occupies with a problem that if it originated in the philosophy that is the quarrel on the relation man-half and among others to explain the man of century XIX, being Ratzel criticized for the Frenchmen judged that it as politician and not as scientist. Questions had been appearing as what they are the differences between the peoples? Which is the essence of a people? If it has relation between man and way and because this relationship happens? For Ratzel the necessities human beings are centered in the feeding and the habitation and force the relationship of the man with the way. It it initiates the understanding of the relation society-nature, however not of the continuity, therefore it is concentrated in criticizing its predecessors; to affirm that the geographic conditions influence the societies and the grouping of individuals if it carries through around the survival thus originating the people, its territory, the State where in agreement the relation society-nature if configures different States; to argue epistemologia and the methodology. For Marx and Engels a relation exists enters the men by means of appropriation of the nature where the social division of the work emerges. History and geography if inaugurate when initiating themselves it relation society-nature, therefore when the society if appropriates of the nature it creates a new order space-weather. The distinction between the men and the animals is characterized by the condition of the human beings to produce its life material e, therefore to construct itself to it same, different of the animals that act its instincts and momentneas necessities in accordance with.