
My husband is very good person, but he puts in businesses that to him usually leave badly. This puts to us time and time again in difficult situations, but it works this way: he says that he could not work on another’s account. No longer I know what to do, until I consider to separate to me because this makes me undergo much. Raquel – Murcia – Dear Spain Raquel: Before making as important decision as the one from separarte, test to comunicarte with your husband of the clearest and calm form than is possible and listens to their answer with the same attention and interest that you ask. Your challenge consists of exactly expressing what you feel and you think without offending it, to despise it, nor to attack it. We suggested to you you tell to open heart what you feel whenever he risks in a business that is not nothing safe.

Not him reproaches which makes bad, nor you make him feel culprit of the economic failure of the family. Simply, pdele that it listens what happens to you, cuntale that you feel uncertain or unprotected. Surely, neither you know what to the other it happens to him, thinks or it feels. Often it is thus. Proponle to make together the labor decisions, but you do not hope that it changes immediately. You also can mudar of attitude for acercarte and comunicarte with him, and that goes to llevaros a time that, by all means, is worth the pain.

Anger Management

Nobody doubt of the love that you feel by your family, by those beings who share the day to day with you, nevertheless, in spite of that love, sometimes they can sacarte of your squares, and is known that to be able to maintain our relations healthy, it is important to find routes or ways to handle to the wrath or the inconvenience and to manage to lower the levels of stress. Then, what you can do at those moments at which you feel that the wrath goes away to you of the hands? Instead of enfocarte in how facing a specific situation, he is more effective to find routes than they help you to work the wrath stops of being possible, to eliminate it. I invite to you to follow these steps that will as well help to give you him entered La Paz and the Harmony your home. 1. Beam exercise. One of the best ways to move away of your home stress and the anxiety is that you are in movement.

Inscrbete in a gymnasium, salt to walk, you do yoga, dances. On the other hand, the exercise will make that you feel better, even though the circumstances that produced your wrath do not change. 2. It involves your family. One of the benefits to do exercise together is that the communication improves, levels of stress lower to you and enters all can contribute with ideas to solve the situation that produced the wrath. 3.

Listening music. Music is one of best means to loosen stress and to calm. And the best thing of everything is than it is within reach of everybody, independent of the age or of the level economic partner. To choose a smooth music that you like and reljate. From the calm you will be able to evaluate better the things.