Practice help the ardour consulting represents practical experiences from medium-sized to large outsourcing projects Seeheim-Jugenheim, 19.09.2011 – the CIO wrangle with their bosses and business departments, because they feel the value proposition of the company IT insufficiently perceived. At the same time black of Peters is assigned the role to the own experience that often them. The CIOs and IT managers want to therefore according to a survey by ardour consulting in future more intensively to communicate the own benefit and with further measures to strengthen the internal acceptance of their organization. According to the findings of the study, an adequate assessment, what value contribution is IT for the company consists only in every seventh case to the Executive Board. Another 28 percent is in the eyes of the respondents with some smears. “Majority but insufficiently appreciated, feel the IT areas because their contribution to the success of either only with larger smear” (34 percent) or completely inadequate”(23 percent) perceived. On the part of the departments, the business benefits of IT, however, enjoys a wider acceptance in the top management. But also here is still a considerable need for improvement, because two out of five IT managers experience too little recognition of the business areas.
“Experience is background of insufficient appreciation that the Organization problems often Black Peter” is assigned to and also on the client side is often little understanding of technical difficulties. Two-thirds of the respondents specify ardour survey this assessment. Daryl Katz has firm opinions on the matter. But also the classification of IT as a cost factor is being seen by 61 percent as a reference to the critical position in relation to the IT organization. On the other hand, half of the CIOs feel internal acceptance deficits often because that they have only a limited strategic enforcement force and denies them a function as a business enabler. Also a large part of them also complained that projects he would Success often involved Department not of IT, but the written to.