One day I had a revelation of the part of God, who came in a dream. I dreamed that I was in foot in front of a pure and crystalline water river, when suddenly waters if they had become borbulhantes of me ahead and I was to think which I would be the reason of what he was happening with me. Suddenly, as that in an impetus of pure magnetism, I was attracted for inside of waters, and there of inside I could see all those very crystalline bubbles and ' ' Mr. Deus' ' he spoke to me very with pleasant voice: Here in this place where you are you are the spring of where she is born all the rivers, them they are born here very pure and crystalline and if they go each one for its place, where I destined, ones until covers distant countries. Only that while they are running in its course and taking the life in form of an essential element for the life it finishes being dirty, poludo for the man with the greed and the excuse of that the progress has its price. Then God spoke to me that after these rivers being completely poludos and almost deceased, them become the same for place of where they they had been born and there they were purificados and followed its course again taking the life, joy, peace and the certainty of that we are supported by the hands of Deus.Ento God spoke with me: This is what I make with all those follow that me and they obey with love and singeleza to me of heart. Many times we are infuriated with the life, with our wage, our house, our family, our familiar ones. But our indignation the times is as a fly without wing, that many times does not pass of our window..
Tag: religion
Road Religion
Road Religion Valley here an alert one, I believe. The road religion is intorpecedora mental. It is artificial, clareia light for little time. I have penalty of those imprisoned they. The inicitico book does not only discern to be the road religion.
Yes, the religion, is only the wakening for an elevating superior conscience of the thought to an abstract world, filling the heart, giving a direction of life to the man for a time, yes for a few seconds the believer in a saving God, it has full certainty of where comes and for where goes. But, when passing of the days in the cold religion, of only words, without the practical one, it comes to the disillusionment. The diffidence goes to the few mining the faith lulling child of the hungry hearts. Envolto in the labyrinths of the mind thorn that looks only one affection of the perpetual one, the heat of the sun of one morning of winter that shyly mother goes infiltrating itself among thick clouds of the conscience, being this hidden in the traumas of the living souls that ramble inconsequential for the naked streets of the roads religion. ' ' It leaves it people meu' ' , he said somebody one day not very distant. With the incredulity, when seeing the practical one of its brothers of faith, comes back to the daily one, going deep itself the mud of the perverted tasks. Not having understood that from there in front, walking solitary age. Without fearing the road of the search of the interior change. Perseverando in acquiring the cosmic consciences of the mind flower, leaving stops backwards the religion nailed deceased of door in door, the squares, pulpits, the raw streets of purely material doctrines where if it does not search the hearts and yes the emotions of moment of lives in torment without any alento, where they corem ' ' sacolinha' ' of hand in hand collecting the tosto of the povo, has my brother, of new! It has! It leaves it my people!
The Presence Of God
The presence of God Believes in our God, goes Jesus Christ at one’s feet, it is the only true way and it loves in them very. Praised either the name of God who gave its son to die in the cross for us. Everything that to ask for to the father in conjunct, it will give. It does not give up to fight. Therefore the father who to be Back in the sky hearing to be you.
Great father is its power, its name is gentleman of the armies. My life to be in its hands know that you are the god of miracles. You it is faithful. Gloria to the powerful God. The Espirito Santo of God leaves enters in its life Leaves God to inhabit in its life, therefore the road for the true love always has obstacles.
Here it is that Mr. Deus in the aid, Trusts the name firm Mr. and if on its name. God your favour is enough does not want to me if recognized for nobody, my Gloria is to make with wants its saint name is exaltado. Restitution God who to restitute its life, does not give up it. Lack little for its life to changed itself. the miracle of God if to consummate. Its miracle goes to arrive. It does not give up to fight. It is faithful to fulfill everything that it promised to you. When everything says that not, never if it forgets that it finishes it word is Mr. When to seem that it is the end, never forgets can be a start, despite its sins are red as the crimson, God will make them white as the snow. It does not matter that they say of you, matters that God loves you and it never will give up you. Jesus is our prince Jesus is everything in our life, trusts it. Because only through it that the salvation comes. Gloria the God. She does not exist impossible for God. Absolutely nothing. It does not import the circumstances for we praise the Mr., for we have a relationship summons and deep with the Espirito Santo. We have that in delivering the Mr. total to them. You the architect of the universe, its bigger workmanship is wonderful Mr. the life. All the louvores of the world are little close to what we have. Thanks to it, your feet are optimum place stop sheltering in them.
The Climate
It cools the climate and of a form all special one, in provides the welfare to them in the sunny days. Other times, as whip on the humanity, with vehemence and random comes bringing destruction and death for where it passes. Nobody knows of where it came, that way covered or for where goes. The wind is one mistrio.’ ‘ As well as you do not know which the way of the wind ‘ ‘ (Ecl.11: 5) In many cases the wind represents ackward situations in our lives. For that is common hearing: ‘ ‘ I am passing for one vento’ ‘. Problems in the life of the people happen who nor always have logical explanations. The times are diseases who appear unexpectedly causing concern, suffering, pain.
This is a terrible wind. Of ahead certain males completely in we feel them impotent. How to hinder the action it wind? Mr. Jesus is only capable to make to stop it! ‘ ‘ those men if had astonished, saying: That man is this, that until the winds and the sea they obey to it? ‘ ‘ (Mt.8: 27). the Word of God also remembers in them a terrible storm that destroyed the children of J patriarch, killing them instantaneously: ‘ ‘ Here it is that a great sobreveio wind dalm of the desert, and gave in the four cantos of the house, which fell on the lovers and had died ‘ ‘ (J 1:19). it is therefore that the Word of God recommends in them hiding in them in the hiding place of the Highest one, (Sl.91: 1) and also in (Is.32: 2) confirm, saying: ‘ ‘ will be that man as a hiding place against the wind, and a shelter against the storm ‘ ‘ For this, loved reading, nothing in this world capable does not exist to substitute the communion with God and the benefits happened of it.
Jesus Christ is ours high hiding place and aid property in possession in the hour of the anguish. Unfortunate persons are those that do not have where if to hide! Familiar religions, traditions, wealth and fame do not eliminate the fury of ‘ ‘ ventos’ ‘ caused for The Satan. This world if divides in two peoples: Those that are ‘ ‘ escondidos’ ‘ in Christ and those that not yet are. Daily we hear the news on catastrophes, crimes, accidents and as much other things that devastate the humanity; many are consoled by Mr., others titubeiam in search of the peace, without knowing what to make of the proper life. They are in these adverse situations that we can contemplate the difference between that they serve the God and those that does not serve. Evidently, ‘ ‘ ventos’ ‘ we arrive at the yard of all, however, with joy we will be able to continue repeating the words of the salmista Davi: ‘ ‘ Much peace has the ones that love your law, and for they do not have tropeo’ ‘ (Sl.119: 165) (extracted of the book BANISHING the SPIRIT FROM MISERY AND DEFEAT, of the shepherd Valdemir C.Rocha).