During these years, diseases of the heart sitemy pose a significant threat to modern populations of industrialized nations. Diseases of the heart of the system is divided from cancer among glavenstvueschee etiology of mortality. The number of patients with cardiovascular disorders is growing, at the same time shows a clear trend of acceleration of these diseases. Unfortunately, the ailments of the heart, like so many other dangerous diseases, make themselves felt, even then, if the effects of the disease are serious. But modern medicine clinics in Germany, Munich, Hamburg, Freiburg does not stop at one place, develop procedures and operation treatment in Germany sedechnososudistyh nazology. The main direction of development of medicine should include disease prevention, but if the pathology has already developed, requiring assistance of qualified doctors, with the most modern facilities. Today's issue of European science must include treatment of atherosclerosis, the introduction of topical medication to cure, diagnosis podrebnosti influence arrhythmias body changes especially those suffering from hypertension with concomitant nosology. A sure way to diagnose heart disease, even the best expert may only after a detailed survey.
Drawing up an individual system of therapy can improve the effectiveness of measures taken to get rid of the problem. By modern methods in cardiology include: cardiac catheterization, coronary artery bypass surgery, pacemaker installation, operation in congenital and acquired heart defects and all treatment clinics in Germany without intermediaries coronary angiography – examination of the heart, in which these catheters are mounted under otslezhevaniem fluoroscopy in the mouth of the right coronary artery is mechanically injected contrast material in the two projections of trace its motion in cardiac vessels. Despite the simplicity of this kazheyuschesya survey lead to a coronary angiography only in major centers. Coronary stenting – a method of changing intravascular karonarnyh arteries in case of pathological lesions osbennyh structure of their edges. During Reconstruction karonarnyh veins used stents. Shunt is an aluminum base, representing a tiny metal tube of the wire cells. The stent is incorporated in the artery after its expansion and set in place narrowing of the artery to prevent restenosis of the new.
Stent strengthens blood vessel walls. Depending on the technique of treatment are distinguished stents samoraspravlyayuschiesya balloon. The described method is performed, as well as angiography, by puncturing the femoral vessels. Treatment is carried out podmestnym anesthesia. Through a puncture in the femoral artery at a particular place in the conductive vessel coronary vessel stenosis, balloon with a stent installed. When the dilation balloon stent razsshiryaetsya and resumes lumen artery. Authority receives the necessary amount of blood on the reconstructed artery, which in turn leads to the disappearance of complaints in the chest during psychological stress. The results of intervention is usually good, comparable and performed at the highest level.