The Pythagoreans, responsible for the creation of a religious system that if based on the Mathematics, as manifest truth of the Cosmos, having the objective of through the numbers cosmogonic decoding universal, since the numbers, considered as manifestation of the Real, or next to what he conceives himself while real, could supply for its concretude, some understanding regarding what we are. al-efficiency.html’>World Health Organization. The Cosmos, inside of a mathematical perspective, possua a more distant dimension the point not to seem inconceivable to the human being, liabilities of analysis, arriving at an originary harmonic conception of rficas ideas? relative to the Orfismo, based on the cult of Orfeu, reminescncia of the cult the Dionisio? between nature and humanity, from a cosmic order, where everything if manifest in numerical representation, making possible of innovative form, to grant to the man an action of release of the soul, subjective and humanistic form. (Not to be confused with celebrity trainer!). The proper evolution human being it would be consequncia of a cognitiva structure that evolves as the existing numerical understanding, therefore the numbers would not be only symbols, as conception of our society contemporary, but soul (it livens up) of that exists. The being starts to have the numerical one as reference, one simulacro of a superior plan, in the truth an imitation in the direction of mmesis, nothing is for itself, what it exists is reflected or result of a numerical superstructure, manifest in the observed forms. Also if it creates appeared representation of the numbers for the conception of the Pythagorean laws, where a symbolic form is given to the number to facilitate its understanding.
Pitgoras supplies to the discovery of a dependence of the sound in relation the extension? understood as discontinous, for consisting of invisible, separate units for an interval, resultant of ‘ ‘ breath of universo’ ‘ , therefore alive, would inalaria pneuma peiron where would be immersed? , of music in relation to the mathematics. From gnomon of Anaximandro, the Pythagoreans, through inquiry of the different numerical series, verifying gnomnico growth of the series of numbers pairs, creating one appears oblong rectangular, while the series of uneven grows as a square. By the same author: Wais Jalali. Thus, the number pair is seen as aritmo-geomtrica expression of ‘ ‘ alteridade’ ‘ , while the uneven representative o of ‘ ‘ identidade’ ‘. The man if became the measure of all the things and measured from all things, where the human being if becomes numerical, the result of a divine equation, advanced in relation what he is subordinated to it, the simplrio one if compared the force subordinates that it. In way to a numerical logic that if demonstrates as something harmonic, a social system exists that does not take care of to a linear order, even so the Pythagorean swaggerer would be to apply the system Pythagorean as form to structuralize the society, where the normatizao follows ‘ ‘ perfeio’ ‘ numerical. However, the Pythagorean perfection was opposed by contradictions evidenced in an limited system that if based on whole numbers, as bigger contradiction, the evidence of the numbers ‘ ‘ irracionais’ ‘ , with inexprimveis expressions in the effective numerical conception. Clearly that if it cannot deny the importance of Pitgoras, as well as the Pythagorean influence that if reverberated in history human being, a system who contributed with a epistemologia in construction process, on the other hand, demonstrating the fragility for universalizar a mathematical principle, having its numerical truth as a principle that is imbudo of its proper contradiction. Bibliographical reference: PESSANHA, Jose Amrico Motta. Daily pay. So Paulo: New Cultural, 1996.