This may be puppets, various designers, toys subject-role-playing games, creativity kits, mosaics, counting stuff, etc. At this age a child can begin to prepare for school and do this through games and developmental toys to get interesting and useful! For children primary school-age approach is more complicated for the content of toys, designers, puzzles, etc. Toys need not be much, as long as they were diverse in meaning, purpose, materials. It must be remembered that the toys – this is a wonderful occasion and hanging out with the baby. Need in the game lies in the child of nature. This is a natural state for him. He so knows the world, express themselves, their thoughts, feelings, needs. Through games children communicate with each other.
Games are very important for the formation and development of the child. The problem of adults – arrange for the child play, give the opportunity to express themselves fully, to help him to understand the world in all its diversity, to make his first discovery. If you want to be friends with your child – playing with him. Because children matter to our attention and our love! How to play with fun toys? It is important interest of the child a toy at first "acquaintance". It often happens that the toy is really like parents, but for some reason the kid did not impress. Can have multiple reasons: – Firstly, baby, this toy is not suitable for age, in this case it is better to remove at any time and offer the kid later – and second, parents often give a toy and the kid just does not know how to play with her and there must be participation of adults in the game – in Third, Such a situation may arise if the choice of toys are not considered particularly the child's preferences.
To toy with time the child is not tired of it should be removed to a special and prominent place, but better that the child himself could not get it. Play, of course, it is necessary only when the child himself wants it. In no case do not compel a child. If a child plays the game is not on the instructions, and invents his own version – It is very good, right child shows an unusual approach. In the game encourage independence of the child, do not suggest to him ready-made solution or scenario games. Remember that the child can not be long concentrate on one activity, no need of it to claim it.