ct was introduced in our country in its individual areas is relatively recent. In 2007, Russia was considered by the Federal Law on the Enforcement of the Uniform State Exam on the entire territory of Russia. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Vladislav Doronin by clicking through. The application of this Act will be implemented consistently, and will conclude in 2009. The newspapers mentioned Charles Margulis not as a source, but as a related topic. It makes sense to say that the document is written that use the results of ct for admission to college can be for two years after the date of the Uniform State Exam. The document also provided the opportunity for all universities and Suza to conduct more extensive examinations, if this is due to feature some specialty and requires specific propensities and training in chosen specialty, such as physical stamina, or artistic predisposition coming to a type of creativity. Some universities may qualify for an examination on the profile, including those that are taken with the Unified State Examination. What are the main objectives of the adoption of ct and what is the result of its introduction in Russia? Purpose of course One is the desire to create the same conditions at the time of final exams at school and admission to universities in conducting this type of examinations throughout the Russian Federation will be given the same job complexity and a unified grading assessment, these measures will allow students to compare their level of knowledge of the subject. Daryl Katz has compatible beliefs. Passes Uniform State Exam in special circumstances, which will not allow in any way question the purity results. Answers to tests, as well as brief answers in the free form will be scanned by computers specially organized for this purpose workers. With regard to the detailed immune response, then such would be checked by independent experts invited to predetermine the course in many ways the fate of a student event.
Tag: education
One Effectiveness
College of Kumash Nurgalieva – one of the largest schools in the Republic of . Currently, there are trained 2,511 people, including three branches in the cities Ridder, Zyryanovsk and . In college, 20 computer and multimedia classrooms. All computer and administrative offices together into a network that has established a constant electronic connection with its branches. Computers connected to the Internet via leased line with adsl rate of 2048 Kbps. A leading source for info: Gunnar Peterson. The presence of branches was the main reason for choosing the subject of methodological theme "Development of technology for distance learning and the introduction of ict in the educational process." One method of remote Education – holding video lectures in the mode of op-lipe.
Sometimes it is necessary to organize communication between people at a distance. This approach saves money and time, and video provides a better perception information compared with all other forms of remote communication. The effectiveness of any type of distance learning depends on four components ing: a) the effective interaction between teacher and student, despite the fact that they are physically separated by distance, and b) used in this pedagogical techniques, and c) the effectiveness of the developed teaching materials and methods for their delivery, and d) the effectiveness of feedback. Therefore, when establishment of lectures for distance education should consider the following requirements: 1. Motivation. Motivation – a necessary component of learning, which must be maintained throughout the learning process. 2. Formulation of training objectives. Of great importance is a clearly defined goal, which is placed in front of students.
Subject Presumption
This event will go to disarm the sprouting of the transference (subject that it wants to learn) and in this way not to happen of the Subject Presumption To know the citizen is not instinct, but yes culture and this, the capture through the language propagated for speaks. In the pertaining to school scope, he is the professor who presents knowing through one speaks structuralized for the language. If the desire to learn this is present in the pupil speaks of the professor, established in the transference has the Subject Presumption To know anchoring the pulso of knowing, it provokes the desired effect that it is the knowledge. We know despite according to Lacan it stresses, it originary is the way through which we are inserted in the chain of the culture and the civilization, when the Name of the Father comes to prohibit the Desire of the Mother. You may find that supermodel can contribute to your knowledge. This insertion opens the series of searches for the missing object.
According to Lacan (1978) it stresses, it originary is the process that introduces the citizen in the chain of the culture and the civilization, teaching it to substitute it the Real of the existence (desire of being for the mother) for a symbol and a law (the father and the family). The interdicts all for which the man will need a symbol that represents them daily pay exist to the citizen, are in the proper culture and arrive it through the language. Therefore, Lacan if relates to the order of the symbolic one as something that constitutes the man. He is the man who, of stresses in stresses, it if he inserts. Where if it hides desire to learn of the pupil? Ayrton Rodrigues Reis and Orion Penna and Souza In this bias is possible to affirm it stresses that it caused for the castration is a first condition for the configuration of the transference (desire to know).
Vision Defects
Consider the most common visual pathology of early childhood. Among the main clinical forms of defects of vision in children, there is predominance of lesions nerve pathways and cortical areas visual analyzer, as well as damage the eye's lens – cataract. Among the various forms predominate congenital cataracts caused by hereditary factors, intrauterine fetal infections. Low vision often developed with various anomalies and diseases of the optic nerve. The most common abnormality of the optic nerve is the result of common diseases, especially central nervous system. One of the most common problems is strabismus.
It is not only a lack of appearance. If strabismus is often disturbed visual perception, binocular vision, namely, that the ability to simultaneously perceive both eyes all the features subject. Distinguish divergent and convergent squint. Amblyopia – a significant difference between the vision of each eye. Myopia – more likely to develop in debilitated children after the age of two. It is most often associated with increased anteroposterior diameter of the eye. Myopia dramatically changes the behavior and even the nature of children.
Children become scattered, stoops when considering the figures, often complain of headaches. Among children in the present time increased dramatically short-sighted. Farsightedness – there are two types: natural, child and the usual far-sightedness. With farsightedness closest point of clear vision has always separated from the retina with normal vision. As the forces of accommodation in part used to install into the distance, then its remaining forces are not sufficient for a clear vision of objects vblizi.Ostrota view.
Mathematical Equations
Semester – the most peaceful time of the student. All we ever learned in institutions, all of us did not want to recapitulate these boring lectures and practice to learn to calculate the problem, equations, matrices and find solutions to the roots equations and to explore other uninteresting stuff. Remember what it was completed? Do not recall? ! Then I will remind you. It ended a long and tense examination session, angry and often money teaching for teachers. Can this be avoided? Is it possible, after spending the same effort and time to find a solution or puzzles? Naturally possible, but it should be slightly tense up and read my recommendations. For many years I teach and I realized that The first problem of youth is not stupidity or even idleness and thoughtlessness of their actions. Injudicious training plan significantly reduces the effectiveness of any activity, solving the equation before you start to sweat and much earlier start to think you're a complete lack of talent and you will never solve the equation.
Let us examine the sequence of actions as an example of solving problems, equations. Matrices and other assignments in math. Math – it's just such a discipline, which originally incorrect method does not give you the opportunity to find a solution to whatever problems where the solution of equations is satisfied by clear diagrams and methods, and the decision matrix is elaborated on exactly algorithms. University, the first student record session. Just the first session of fall comprehension matrix algorithms for solving matrices, finding the determinant and inverse matrices.
The Search
In the called period of training Personalismo (3 years the 6 years) the child starts to take conscience of its personality, needing to be recognized for the other. This phase is marked by the exploration of itself exactly, for activities of opposition, seduction and imitation, beyond the use of expressions as: I, mine, not. In this period the child lives deeply situations where she feels shame and acanhamento. The activities carried through in small groups are basic, since, will go to fortify the team spirit, of cooperation and solidarity. Categorial period of training (6 years the 11 years) is marked by the mental exploration of the physical world, by means of activities of grouping, seriao, classification and categorizao. The last called period of training Adolescence (11 years in ahead) the affectivity will occupy the first plan. It is the period marked for the exploration of itself exactly, and for the search of an independent identity, by means of activities of confrontation, auto-affirmation and domain of cognitivas categories of bigger level of abstraction. The intellectual access to the social values and moral abstracts will allow the adolescent to reach the maturity of the adult.
Since way, she is necessary to conceive the person in its totality, being searched to understand the different relations that it goes to establish with its environment. In this direction, Wallon criticizes educational models that only prioritize the intellectual development, therefore, ' ' for it the intellectual aspect would not have to be disentailed of the development of the total personality and its conditions of existence, in which the way has paper primordial' '. (BASTOS, 2003, P. 21) I was concluded that the affectivity, the emotion, the movements and physical space if find in one same plan and are basic for the development. Although to have been elaborated in century 20 its theory revolutionary contemporary is considered and, stimulating the studies in the area of the psicomotricidade and serving of base for posterior studies.
Dream Dance Salsa
The next week in Kiev called Cuban Salsakolledzh! The famous champion – Cuban Yanek Revilla after his visit, decided to open his own school in Kiev. In my seminars, he discovered that the Ukrainians are very musical and much more rapidly assimilate the Cuban feints. He said: "People in Eastern Europe – especially Ukraine, Russia and Belarus – a musical – much more musical than the Germans or the French – then a stronger relationship with their roots. Ukrainians have not lost touch with folk dances, as happened in Western Europe – so there interested in working and studying them more quickly and easily improvise – and it is necessary to Salsa. " Salsa – is now the most popular social dance! – social – it means that you can dance anywhere, at any party or disco, and it does not require special skills or clothing. Unlike ballroom dancing, where you can dance only with your partner, you can salsa dance with any partner in a disco. The vibrant and seductive salsa taking up more and more people! Cuban Salsa – it's very lively and merry dance fiery and seductive, it will allow you to become more agile and improve your fitness, make new acquaintances and friends. This is a good opportunity to touch the exotic Cuban culture and to learn win, as well as dance to salsatekah are now organized in Kiev, with partners at all levels Cuban salsa – it doubles the dance that is danced in a circle – but what to tell – it must be seen! here you can form their impression of looking at the video which Yanek Revilla with his partner Diane Rodriguez – when he became a world champion!