
After resting a little, it was risen and heading for the tunnel of the left, continued that penosa and overwhelming day in the blackout, in search of light and pure air. Finally, after much time that it wise person if was not hours or days, it sighted a distant clarity. That light it of the spirit and it hurries the step. Soon later, finally, it reaches the exit. It advances for cool air, the sun and the freedom. The clarity of day dims its eyes, the feet sinks in the mud.

Feeling a vertigo, it for, holding in a tree twig deceased. It has advanced has a stream, a row of cinereous houses in the edge. It does not know where he is, he does not remember where deferred payment, does not know who is. He sees its image in the estagnada water and he does not recognize that man of macilento, dirty face, dishevelled.Andres breathes deep, raises the face. The stream is an obstacle and it follows for the opposing side. He crosses a field, he finds a road and soon later he arrives at the city. He rambles for the streets, feeling hunger and headquarters.

He sees a door open and if he approaches. There inside, leaned in a balcony he has bags of beans, rice, maize and sugar and on of the balcony, tobacco in rope, candles, he bathes, rapadura. In the walls hung in hooks, it had hammer, scythe, shovel and hoe, barbed wire in one I sing. In the shelf it had honey pots. potato, pumpkin candy, and goiabada. It still had, oil of whale for oil lamps, aguardente, coffee and charque. It does not have nobody to sight and Andres enter, looking some thing to eat. Suddenly it stumbles at something in the soil, if he inclines and he catches a dirty wood piece of blood.

Skin Treatments

Completely macerated pustules and blackheads can be removed in the course of the treatment course. Duration of the treatment course is 6 to 90 days. As a prophylactic Tretinoin is used after a warm bath for a long period of time from 1 to 3 times. When used topically Tretinoin is required to see to it that he did not get on the mucous membranes in the mouth and eyes. If this happens to immediately rinse thoroughly with water Tretinoin. Not recommended during the treatment course in the sun. People with tan must begin after the cure of deterioration.

During the first seven days after the start of the treatment course is likely that there will be observed increase in the number of eels. This is due to the fact that Tretinoin will affect those eels that were far beneath the surface and were not visible before the start of the treatment course. NEULEPTIL PERITSIAZIN. NEULEPTIL PERITSIAZIN is a 'proof-reader behavior', small neuroleptic. Ensures pronounced sedative effect, relieving anger, irritable affect the evil type. For more information see this site: Steve Vai. Latin name: NEULEPTIL (NEULEPTIL PERITSIAZIN) The current active element: Periciazine / Peritsiazin Farmakovozdeystvie: antipsychotic, correcting behavior, low neuroleptic. Is a derivative of phenothiazine (piperidine).

The essence of the impact (Antipsychotic) NEULEPTIL is blocked in the mesolimbic dopaminergic brain structures of the head of postsynaptic receptors (primarily D2). Inhibits the release of hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary. Dopamine blockade increases the number of prolactin, which is released by the pituitary gland. The drug is hypothermic, antiemetic, antiserotoninovoe, parasimpatoliticheskoe, hypotensive, antispasmodic, adrenolytic (alpha-adrenoceptor blocking) effects. NEULEPTIL PERITSIAZIN delivers more antiserotoninovoe intensity in comparison with chlorpromazine. In addition, has a more powerful sedative effect the central character. The drug has a sedative effect on the anger, irritable affect the evil type. Has the ability to sleeping pills. Antiemetic effect is caused by the blockade of central or inhibition of chemoreceptor trigger area of the cerebellum of dopamine receptors (D2). Peripheral effects – a blockade zheleduochno tract of the vagus nerve. Antihistamines, sedatives and anticholinergics quality of the product is expected to increase the antiemetic effect. The drug increases the activity of barbiturates, analgesics and narcotics. Pharmacological kinetics PERITSIAZIN NEULEPTIL: Information Clinical pharmacology of species kinetics peritsiazina little. Phenothiazines have increased binding to plasma proteins. The conclusion made in the kidneys and a small part of the bile. PERITSIAZIN Indications Application NEULEPTIL: Epilepsy with dysphoric and haraktelogicheskimi explosive-affective phenomena. The states of paranoia within the senile, vascular, and presenile organic conditions. States psychopathic character in the schizophrenic postprotsessualnyh phenomena. The states of psychopathic types in the slow process of schizophrenia (including "opposition to a close," and in geboidofreniyu patients who were not sophisticated forms of schizophrenia). psychopathic disorder origins (organic) with a prevalence sthenic behavior and affect. Psychopathy with the prevailing trends sutyazhnyh, disinhibition, explosiveness, irritability. The scheme of NEULEPTIL and dosage: Used inside for 3-4 hours, mostly in the evening. The initial dose per day is from 5 to 10 mg in patients with increased sensitivity – no more than 2-3 mg. The average dose for 24 hours is equal to 30-40 mg, the maximum allowable dosage for 24 hours – 50-60 mg. Children and elderly people prescribed an initial dose of not more than 5 mg per 24 hours, then the dosage can be gradually increase to 10-30 mg. Working directly with leading European manufacturers allows the company to deliver EvroApteka Srl any LS in the shortest possible time and at affordable prices. Buy these and other drugs visit our website:

Dream Divine Revelation

One day I had a revelation of the part of God, who came in a dream. I dreamed that I was in foot in front of a pure and crystalline water river, when suddenly waters if they had become borbulhantes of me ahead and I was to think which I would be the reason of what he was happening with me. Suddenly, as that in an impetus of pure magnetism, I was attracted for inside of waters, and there of inside I could see all those very crystalline bubbles and ' ' Mr. Deus' ' he spoke to me very with pleasant voice: Here in this place where you are you are the spring of where she is born all the rivers, them they are born here very pure and crystalline and if they go each one for its place, where I destined, ones until covers distant countries. Only that while they are running in its course and taking the life in form of an essential element for the life it finishes being dirty, poludo for the man with the greed and the excuse of that the progress has its price. Then God spoke to me that after these rivers being completely poludos and almost deceased, them become the same for place of where they they had been born and there they were purificados and followed its course again taking the life, joy, peace and the certainty of that we are supported by the hands of Deus.Ento God spoke with me: This is what I make with all those follow that me and they obey with love and singeleza to me of heart. Many times we are infuriated with the life, with our wage, our house, our family, our familiar ones. But our indignation the times is as a fly without wing, that many times does not pass of our window..

Life Is Beautiful

Life is beautiful, I remember the title of a film already not so recent, that if my memory does not betray me I think it is Italian. It is handled simply that, that life is beautiful; Despite the catastrophic, disastrous and difficult which is accompanied by situations. Life is beautiful, I think a phrase that encloses the desire for happiness, try to see with another Crystal anomalies, crisis and other negative acts of life itself. Life offers us; the great and unique opportunity to feel, see, hear, touch, etc., everything that she offers us, as the sky, the sea, the mountains, the singing of birds, etc. Enjoy life is very important, but above all give us the opportunity to grow and appreciate us as human beings every day. We must give us the opportunity to inform ourselves, ask ourselves:-do we feel like? -Do we like to see? -Do we like to enjoy? -Do we like to hear? -Do we like to touch? They are some of the questions that will help us to introduce us little by little our interior, that with the pace of life as we have been many times we never problems, arbitrariness, conflicts, which prevent us from really realize who we are and the true meaning of our lives in this world. All human beings have a mission in life, either as fathers, sons, brothers, professionals, athletes, etc., which we must carry out. Looking at life positively, it elevates us self-esteem, it provides us with internal and external security, but especially puts us in the way of happiness.

To find the start of this road towards happiness, human beings must love us, accept and assess ourselves, with all our strengths and weaknesses, because if we succeed, we’ll be feeling peace and fulfillment, with what I am with what I have inside me, and with the tools that life has given me to succeed. Perhaps the phrase; I want myself find you or you sounds a little to selfishness, but I think that that is not the idea, because in case of really being a selfish person, this Gets to feel superior to others, tends to trample others without stopping to think about damage and negative consequences, in order to obtain their ends since you don’t know respect by their peers. While, if your self-esteem is high and you want yourself, you’ll be happy with who you are and what you have to give, you’ll be sure of yourself and want to transmit to others, well-being, calm, peace and joy of your interior. You will be in harmony with life. You’ll be prepared to deal with whatever life you have freedom surpasses, in a strong and authentic. You’re ready to give your best to others generously, without expecting to receive anything in return. Since das heart and selflessly. For this reason; I invite you to live life fully, to seek the essence of your being, inner happiness, but above all, to enjoy moment-to-moment, hour by hour, second to second, at every moment of that divine gift that is life, so to the end of your day can say with real conviction: the life is beautiful. Original author and article source

Bridging The Gap

These lines dear reader! I did them thinking of you! Woman or man that you love someone and that maybe you don’t know what Express, but that time, tyrant blessed as it is, one night allows Threading those sweet things that we mean to be loved. Love hides somewhere, waiting patiently to you find what may be the greatest glory or the stormiest hell, but even with everything, always moves us, as a quiet everything that takes very inside. Why can be so painful?, maybe because it is very intense, because it goes beyond the passion of the body, the mind, handed everything without expecting to receive anything in return, or at least happens most of the time. Despite this always worth worth having loved and maybe having lost a piece of heart in the attempt, as outside you will always remember the feeling that engulfed us, which made us vibrate, live, dream, a reason to fight. If this love was uncertain and left a bitter taste, at least us It will be the experience to know better recognize those lovable scoundrels that we cross the path! #!/pages/novela-MI-adorable-Sinverguenza-por-Rodgal/139420589437165 original author and source of the article


Do not arise from this approach two new different ideologies of them what we know so far?, the rebels who questioned all the injustices of the world and delegate some of the responsibilities to God, and of the submissive, postulates in favour of religious dogma, who prefer to reverse the wrongs in man, sin, with total absence of criticism and rethinking of beliefs. What a loss of effort so great!, I repeated convinced my sufficiency, as if military in one or another side was key to nothing and we would solve the immense challenges of background that we have raised. And is that the mundane I did not understand the transcendental aspects of life, wallowed in the mud of everyday life ignores the crucial issues are collective and never partisan level. Once us desembarazamos ESE I mundane, they disappear the miseries, the prejudices, the cainismo. People such as Vera Want would likely agree. Everyday inequalities are no longer make sense, because one understands in every sense of the word with regard to God we are, and therefore free of their sentences. This would be the real revolution that humans would properly carry out Mya, when Earth still we could feed all and was within our reach demonstrate an exemplary living God. That, in my own way, try to explain to them, is that we must keep in mind to God, but not to fear it, or pay him homage, but as a spur in pursuit of collective solidarity. Ignoring God does not makes us smarter and nothing resolved, anguish always lurks in the heart of the unbeliever. If you have read about Garret Wang already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

I that a thought of the things that makes this the first something so artificial world society is the absence of purpose in life, as ignored God everything is reduced to a simple passing, to a walk. And it is clear that first look disolutismo to my prefer around thousand times god worship practiced by any religion, because that worship, submissive and numb, at least is a purpose in itself. Night progressed and my state of hipercreatividad of thought at times reached extraordinary dimensions, all saw with clarity, as if each idea that shone was released and it had not been never contaminated by the nuance or the denial. .

Arterial Pressure

The levels of arterial pressure 140/90 superiors to mm/Hg are considered levels of arterial high pressure. If still repeating the pressure test several times some of both numbers (systolic or diastolic) is lifted, an arterial pressure case of high or hypertension is. Herbie Mann is often quoted on this topic. Two levels of high pressure exist: level 1 includes systolic measurements between 140 and 159 or diastolic measurements between 90 and 99. The levels superiors to 160 (systolic) and 100 (diastolic) represent cases of arterial pressure of level 2. If the values minimum and maximum classify in different categories, the case is classified based on the high value. For example, if its measurement determines that it owns normal maximum values, and lifted minimum values, the 90 superiors to mm/Hg, their case are of high arterial pressure of level 1.

The unique form to detect problems of arterial pressure is being realised a measurement, since it is a disease without evident symptoms. In fact, to many they have suffered it people by years without at least finding out. Which are the causes of the elevated arterial pressure? Although the causes of the high pressure cannot be determined exactly, evidence exists enough that associates some factors to its appearance. Among them to smoke, to have excess of weight, lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of salt, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, chronic oldness, genetics, renal diseases, etc. What consequences can generate the pressure high? The high pressure increases the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases as infarcts or attacks to the heart, as well as renal insufficiency or other serious diseases.

If high pressure has diagnosed you, surely you will need to initiate a treatment, and although the values remain under control in the future, that will not mean that you can leave it. When I must try to me against high the arterial pressure? The treatments against the arterial pressure aim not only to reduce the present levels, but to avoid the ascending tendency that takes place generally with age. A high arterial pressure today already can consider a problem. But you think about the future, you will understand the true gravity of the same, since the pressure only tends to raise with the years. By that reason it is necessary to realise changes in your style of life, and is highly recommendable not to hope until the problem worsens, but to anticipate it and to attack it from the root. Perhaps today you do not suffer the disease, but your style of life is little healthful, sooner or later this problem will touch to your door. More information on Arterial Pressure:Has diagnosed you arterial hypertension? Original author and source of the article

Weight Loss

Jennifer, a single mother of middle-aged and with a six-year-old daughter, has stopped eating sweets from a few weeks ago. She feels as if you were eating less than ever, and has even been diligent in exercising for an hour for four days a week. However, she does not has been lost nor a single pound of overweight. The question is: by what does not lose weight? This is a dilemma that affects many people who do diet all over the world. They think that they are taking the necessary steps to lose weight, but nothing seems to be happening. Dan Ariely may not feel the same. In essence, they are trapped in a routine in which do not achieve their objectives. As a result, they feel frustrated and depressed.

One of the problems with diets is that they are often standardized. As a result, do not take into account the physiology and metabolism of each person individually. That is why a growing number of people are turning to dietitians to formulate a strategy for weight loss in a personalized way. This process has been simplified via the Internet, where you can consult to a dietitian at any time of the day via e-mail. The dietician can also act as your personal trainer, helping you to overcome the dilemmas that arise in your diet. Another reason why your diet may be failing due to lack of support. It may be family members who can eat whatever they want and apparently not win one pound overweight. As a result, they fill your refrigerator with junk food, which can lead to the temptation of eating them.

Also, you can sometimes feel as if you had no who go to talk about your problems of weight. To resolve this problem, many people are seeking psychotherapists who help them with their problems related to food. This can be particularly important if an individual wants to make an extra effort to combat their weight problems. For this reason we recommend to follow these tips if you feel that despite your diet and exercise regimen you can’t achieve your goals. Now to finish I would like to recommend you to see a free video that will show you how you can lose weight while you eat. Without extreme diets, pills, or strenuous exercises. Click here so you can see the video of this innovative program that you can implement immediately.

World Health Day

The aim of this festival, which originated in 1950 to commemorate the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO), is to appeal attention to the fact that health is the highest value for both the state and for each person. World Health Day 2010 dedicated to urbanization and health. This theme was chosen by chance: today urbanization has a huge impact on the health of the planet's population at the global level and on the health of each of the inhabitants of the earth alone. Urbanization is associated with many health problems related to water, environment environment, violence and injuries, communicable diseases and their risk factors, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, alcohol abuse, as well as hazards associated with disease outbreaks. who experts say that today the problem of health of urban residents is largely dependent on the quality of life in cities.

Bad ecology of major world cities have extremely negative impact on health people. According to experts, who 24% of disease and 23% of all deaths are the result of unfavorable environmental factors. Great Barrier Reef and affected by oil spills unique and the largest the world's ecosystem integrity – the Great Barrier Reef – is now experiencing hard times. This single living 'organism', home to some 400 species of coral, 1500 species of fish and a variety of other animals and plants is on the verge of extinction due to excessive shipping, global warming and pollution of the oceans. Last week, Chinese bulker 'Shen Neng-1' crashed into a reef Douglas Shoals in the field, limited to shipping due to defense the world's largest coral reef, made to the unesco World Heritage List.

About 2 tons of fuel of 950 tonnes of stock on board fell into the water through a hole in the engine room flooded, approximately three kilometers. Oil slick in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, which area reached 300 thousand square meters, have been collected. However, the colossal damage to the ecosystem is still occurred. Company owner faces a fine of contamination of the reef at a rate of one million Australian dollars (920,000 U.S. dollars). The next day another ship attempted to pass through the protected area reefs. Attempting to marching under the flag of Panama ship 'Mimosa' shortest route through the Great Barrier Reef has cost the owners of the vessel a large fine. Many of the ships are still trying to cut its own path and not bypass the Great Barrier Reef, threatening the unique ecosystem in the world. Bottling 50-60 tons of diesel fuel from the pipeline occurred last week in the coastal zone of the lagoon Pevek in . Diesel fuel spilled onto the ice as the bay, and on the ground. Later, experts said that the spill was not 50-60 tonnes and 17-18. According to preliminary data, the spill will not make any negative consequences for the environment. Photofact week: 'The most powerful creatures on the planet' and 'Earth Hour 2010' Last week we presented to you the ten most powerful beings on the planet at a ratio of strength-weight. In our ranking of 'athletes' – animals (not only) that can lift more weight than their own in 1000! We also take a virtual tour of the cities of the world where environmental action was 'Earth Hour 2010'. In 2010, this rally organized by wwf, was attended by 126 countries in all continents and more than 4000 cities worldwide.


Medellin is a beautiful city in which a holiday is synonymous with incredible tours and above all is a synonym of numerous things to visit and explore. Enjoy a city like Medellin is having many things to do and things to see during our holidays, is a city where nature, history, culture, leisure and art come together to offer us one of the best tourist offers. Under most conditions Wendy Rene would agree. But get heard the trails for the soul? To find your Center and regain power male – female. To enable an encounter sacred with your soul, in contact with nature, silence, and the powerful forces of mother earth to nourish you, revitalizing you, treat yourself to a time of healing, love and peace profound. I lived a different holiday, in a spiritual refuge for you and who you want to invite. It is a journey to your soul, that will balance your body, mind, emotions and inner energy. Scheduled activities that include deep tools for self-awareness, the healing and awakening your consciousness and your self-improvement. We will begin a process of healing and purifying for body, mind and emotions, with practices that permit domestic observation, recognizing our locks and limitations, what not allow flow our true human nature.

We prepare for internship along with the energy of nature that Iran awakening in us our true potential, recovering the ancestral connection with our own nature and must also be moments of silence where each will have the possibility of a deep encounter with his being internal. Some of the tools that we will share will be meditations, oracles, wisdom working in a personalized way the influence of mother nature, therapies of sound, sessions of healing using holistic therapies, spiritual practices of release of negative emotions and positive empowerment, working with los angeles and general body and energy work with possibility of work transpersonal and walks in a place of incomparable beauty. The value of the shelter for the soul includes: accommodation in a wonderful location with the necessary comfort to make you feel full power complete, includes drinks all the proposed activities do not include shipping. The booking conditions are 50 per cent of the value escrow savings account. Coordinates: RAFAEL HERNANDEZ for any questions, doubts, information costs, from the place where we stay, ways to get from different destinations, etc.