Quit Smoking Without Fear

Frequent causes of unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking is the fear. If smokers quit smoking terribly, then it signals that he is not ready to quit smoking. Fear of throwing up smoking – this indicator light, saying that the man is not thought of everything, not everyone has provided. Man is a multipolar creation. (Not to be confused with supermodel!). What does this mean? This means that a person may simultaneously be present conflicting aspirations. For example, a person may want to learn to be an engineer because of the difficulty, but at the same time may want treats, parties, festivals. These aspirations are mutually exclusive, because they all require time, and in the day just 24 hours. Smoker wants to quit, but the pleasures and desires.

His life – it’s throwing from one vector to another. After listening to one on television about the struggle of smoking, a person thinks that “it would be good to quit.” But at the same He sits in a chair with a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette in his hands and spreads amoeba with pleasure. What vector will win? In general, this scheme is universal and can be applicable not only to people who want to quit smoking. Many people’s problems – it is their conflicting ambitions. People do not realize their aspirations as it is painted here.

They just want, crave, want. Want to be slim, but do not want to go to the gym. Want to be healthy, but not want to take care of health. This can continue ad infinitum. People dream about one thing, others think, and do anything at third. A person who wants to quit smoking, should realize this and make the dominant vector – Quit smoking. This requires inner work, introspection. Realizing multi-vector of human aspirations, we can consciously make the analysis and selection of the most useful and necessary endeavor. Can be very consciously choose a compromise, the resulting vector and work in this direction. Fear of the drop suggests that within the smoker is raging ocean unconscious aspirations that people do not belongs to itself. He needs to finally understand myself, to think about what he wants really. Fear of loss of pleasure from smoking shows ignorance fun without smoking. Mistake of thinking of smokers lies in the fact that the rejection of the pleasures of smoking does not mean abandoning the pleasures at all. People who successfully quit smoking, first time abstinence is looking for new stereotypes fun without cigarettes. Man relearn how to enjoy life. Because the smoker – it’s an invalid who can not enjoy life without cigarettes. Fear – it is also a reaction to the unknown. The man was smoking my entire adult life for 20 years and now can not imagine how he for example, will be after dinner to do without cigarettes. Because he’s my entire adult life after a good lunch dragged on a cigarette. And now will not. Because “right now he is to taste a powerful way to quit and give up Smoking. But he fears it will no longer enjoy life as a happy life after dinner with a cigarette in his mouth. He worries that life will suffer their cravings to smoke, but smoking will not be, “because he’s powerful to taste way to quit smoking. ” Uncertainty and lack of experience – are the main causes of fear. Lack of experience is compensated by an acquaintance with systematized people’s experience.