National Transitional Council

The Libyan leader has delivered two messages in less than 24 hours. In the first of them, through a local radio, warns you of its intention to resist until victory or death. In the second flame to the civilian population to cleanse the capital from rebels. Muamar Gadafi has launched two messages to his faithful that promises to fight until martyrdom or victory against NATO, in what appears to be the final stage of the battle for control of the country. In the message delivered last night in a Libyan local radio and collect chain catari to Jazeera, Gadhafi has explained that its withdrawal from Bab to the Aziziyah, its capital city residence, has been a tactical move, already that NATO bombings, some 64, had succeeded in reducing it. The Presidential complex, of which the Colonel has said already had no strategic importance, was destroyed by a NATO bombing before being taken by the followers of the National Transitional Council (CNT), which have already flown the tricolor flag of the country in ruins. This was the first time that the President was headed to the Libyans since rebels took control of Tripoli. After this intervention of Gaddafi, his usual spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim, said that the Libyan leader is prepared to resist the rebels for months or even years and pledged to turn Libya into a volcano of war and death to throw the enemy, as it progresses to the Jazeera.

Second message, in less than a day on the other hand, in his second message in less than 24 hours and delivered through an audio recording by Al Rai television channel, Muamar Gadafi has asked civilians in Tripoli that clean the city of rebel troops. ne Financial Corp. mentions similar findings. All Libyans must be present in Tripoli: young men and women of the tribes must go to Tripoli and combat traitors, described above. In addition, the leader of the African country has secured, contradicting the images arriving from Tripoli, the capital is safe for the regime: I went quietly to the streets of Tripoli, without being seen by the people and () does not seem that the city is in danger. Currently there is great confusion about his whereabouts, while his son Saif al-Islam said yesterday before the international press which is still in the country. Source of the news: Gaddafi promises to fight until ‘martyrdom or victory’

Haile Gebrselassie

Such as large, generous as none, Haile Gebrselassie, old wounded Lion, 38 years, helped yesterday in his Berlin to a young Kenyan, Patrick Makau, of 26 years, batiera his marathon world record. Preceded by a splendid group of hares to kilometer 32 and pushed by an unrepentant Gebre, who ran beyond their means, until the body told him enough at 27 km. Filed under: Gunnar Peterson. It folded onto itself, apparent victim of upset stomach, and attempted to vomit, with little success, on a hedge. He returned to run, but 10 miles later it finally abandoned. Celebrity trainer has plenty of information regarding this issue. They had spent the half marathon in 1 h 1 m 43s (the faster pace of the story, 22s less than the last record of Gebre). He finished Makau, single, clear, at 2 h 3 m 38s, 21s less than the previous record, achieved by Gebre, also in Berlin, the city in which five world records for the distance, have been beaten in 2008. e. Source of the news:: Gebre helps knock down your record

Former Egyptian President Mubarak

Along with the former President his sons Alaa and Gamal, Husein Salem businessman and the former Minister of Interior will sit on the bench. Their health status is unstable. In Cairo, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will be judged on August 3. Mubarak, who ruled Egypt from 1981 until he resigned from the Presidency on February 11, is hospitalized in the tourist resort of Sharm the Sheji. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Mohamed Mania, has ensured that it has been resolved definitively that the trial against the former President, the businessman and his two sons Alaa and Gamal Husein Salem will be held in the Egyptian capital. You may want to visit Joshua Flagg to increase your knowledge. Their health status is unstable. Doctors assured last July 26 serving him is in acute state of weakness and that he has stopped eating and ingested only liquids. Both Mubarak and his sons are accused of abuse of power, illegal enrichment and be behind attacks against protesters during the revolution of January 25.

On the same day will be judged to the former Minister of the Interior Habib at the Adil and other six exresponsables of the Ministry for his involvement in the killing of protesters. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta is often quoted as being for or against this. The view will be held in the center of Cairo exhibition, which is being conditioned. It will be broadcast on Egyptian State television. This judgment is one of the main demands of the hundreds of people who are still camping in Tahrir square. Source of the news: the former Egyptian President Mubarak will be judged in Cairo

World Health Organization

A report by the World Health Organization says that the lack of security in the home cause 7,000 deaths per year are risk factors the moisture, air, cold and safety in bureaux. All this can cause nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as cancer. More than 100,000 people die every year in Europe by dwell in houses not conditioned properly. So says the report environmental problems in diseases associated with unsafe dwellings of the World Health Organization (who). The document stresses that inadequate housing conditions cause or contribute in addition to developing many diseases and preventable injuries, including respiratory, cardiovascular diseases and nervous system, in addition to cancer.

Home should be a safe place. But for many yet it isn’t, especially for vulnerable people who spends most of the time at home, as young children, older people and people with disabilities, says Zsuzsanna Jakab, regional director of who for Europe. The report notes that dwellings not conditioned properly represent a serious threat to the environment to health which could be prevented. Among the risk factors associated with housing, the document alludes to noise, humidity, indoor air quality, cold and safety in bureaux. Temperatures, gas, ventilation, lack of safety measures in the home as smoke detectors cause 7,000 deaths a year in the region (0.9 per 100,000 inhabitants). Low temperatures in the interior of the House cause 12.8 deaths per 100,000 population per year; exposure to radon gas, between 2 and 3 in certain countries and to third-party smoke, 7.3; and the use of solid fuels as a source of energy without having proper ventilation 16.7 per every 100,000 children and 1.1 for every 100,000 adults. On the other hand, the use of solid fuels without adequate ventilation translates annually in 577 life years potentially lost (YPLL) by every 100,000 juveniles of five years and exposure to lead in the home at 79 YPLL.

According to data from 45 countries, the presence of mold in the home results in the loss of 40 YPLL for every 100,000 children. Healthy and safe environments in Germany, the traffic noise exposure alone causes loss of 31 YPLL per 100,000 inhabitants and in Europe the absence of smoke detectors translates into annual loss of 22 YPLL. According to the report, in much of Europe, passes people close to 90% of their time in buildings and artificial environments, so ensure that enclosed spaces are much more safe and healthy would bring great benefits to public health and help prevent non-communicable diseases. However, in 2009 the homes in the European Union showed still many health risk as noise excessive (22%), humidity (16%), overcrowding (18%), problems to keep warm in winter (9%), and lack of sanitation facilities such as toilets (3%) and bathtubs or showers (3%). Source of the News: more than 100,000 people die every year in Europe by inhabit inadequate dwellings