Health Vitamins

Probably already know all chtobyvitaminy health effects have been, they must have with a meal, not to eat them instead of eating. The issue of nutrition is very simple, it just sounds complicated. Coming up with some special diet for your child does not need. After the baby himself satisfied with his diet necessary, provided that it is not forced to eat, he planted the aversion to certain types of food and that he was given the opportunity to choose. Parents do not have to go too far, as proper nutrition should be balanced. I mean the balance between low-and high-calorie foods, among all the nutritional vitamins. I think every loving parent wants his child to be smart, healthy and beautiful.

Believe me, especially girls, already at this age is very important to feel beautiful. At a recent visit to the hospital, I got some tips proper feeding of the child. The doctor told me how to eat right, if the body lacks certain vitamins, minerals and trace elements for the growth of hair, nail and dental health. Visit Wais Jalali for more clarity on the issue. This advice, I I want to share with you (in my opinion, they are adults and will also work) So: are especially important following the listed vitamins and minerals. What to eat? – Vitamin A is in the cheese, eggs, butter and liver home birds, and even in chanterelles, broccoli, carrots and spinach. – – Vitamin B complex found in sunflower seeds, cereals, nuts, liver, poultry and white mushrooms. – – Vitamin C is in citrus, apples, oblipihe, figs, broccoli and almonds.

– Iron is found in spinach, beans, apricots, dried fruits, liver, egg yolk and molasses. – – Iodine comes to us from iodized salt, sea fish, shellfish and milk. – – Magnesium is in bananas, dairy products from wheat flour, potatoes and poultry. – – Zinc is found in fish, milk, crayfish, crabs and other crustaceans, as well as in red meat.

Giving to our Kids

Recently, I had to talk to several young mothers interested in the Kabbalah. And what was my surprise when all of them in one voice saying that their kids from the first time showed himself as an independent personality. 'It was like a container and a nurse – I was seated in a child, I endured it, as he reproduce his dairy baby food, bathe, walk, but he is completely separate from my being. With character, his way. It only takes me to what I shall give him. Can you imagine? " – They told me. And I was surprised remembered another friend who knew nothing about Kabbalah, but which with the same enthusiasm the opening said: "My baby – my part.

He's all mine, I know him thought that he needed to, I feel it in the distance. It will be my most beautiful and intelligent. " Of course for each woman to her child – the most-most. There's nothing you can do about it – nature has us in the maternal instincts that make her blind love my child. But it seemed to me that after all there is a difference in perception.

A woman who has at least a little knowledgeable about what's inside the Upper World, as developing people, and being in search of herself, sees her child, not as property but as a person. Do not want to detract from the traditional values of motherhood, but watching mom-possessive relationship to the younger children, I always thought about what we parents do in fact distorts the lives of their children. Here we assume parents gave birth to a child and start to sculpt it for themselves. For example, a mother in childhood, always jealous of her friend, carrying a musical file. And now her child, thanks to my mother's childhood memories, drags on the hated solfege, while most of all he wants to embroider cross. The essence of the comments that we subconsciously lepim of the children themselves, but rather require them to realize our ambitions failed.