Are you that easily, forget the name of the people? Where leave sunglasses? That breakfast this morning? The number phone from the House where he lived before? As well, you are starting to lose memory; Maybe by age, a metabolic problem, even a depression. According to a recent American study that echoes in a statement of the Spanish society of Neurology (SEN) on World Alzheimer’s day, the number of sufferers will roll around the world in 50 years. But don’t worry, even this time of doing a good stretch to their neurons to implement these recommendations: keep a healthy diet, eat polyunsaturated fatty acids such as oily fish, maize, soybeans, walnuts, sunflower seeds. Avoid smoking do physical exercise at least three times a week perform a mental activity continuously and exercised (develop the following brain aerobics and respond within this blog) remember using it or lose it, you you decide. Test 1: while you’re sitting make circles with your right foot in the direction of the needles of the clock (without touching the ground).
While doing this, draw the No. 6 in the air with your right hand. YOUR foot will change direction impossible do it well! Curious isn’t it? It was discovered that our brain has a hole. Test 2: here’s a little mental calculation exercise! Are you ready? This calculation should be done mentally and quickly, no calculator, no paper, no pencil. Be honest, do the calculations mentally you have 1000, add 40. Add 1000 more.
Add 30 and again 1000. Add 20. Add 1000 and add 10. What is the total? Surprised? Waiting for more! Test 3: Quick and impressive: count how many letters F has the following text. Without using the mouse. Not worth passing the mouse over the text! As always done quickly: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS did many? Please see below only when it has counted the letters F OK? How many? 3? 4? Once again caught you eh? Curious huh? 4 Test: do you think different? Once he thought if we are equal or if we think the same things? Do this test and find the answer! Follow the instructions and answer the questions one by one mentally and as fast as possible.