The key to burn fat quickly is to increase its metabolism, therefore, it is necessary to fit its body to conduct certain battles that increases or maintains a high rate metabolic to see the fat reduction which never you have seen before. Next the key points appear that need to incorporate in their routine and to burn very fast fat: 1. A diet that will help to slowly alleviate disturbing fat burning foods him of its system. These foods are the carbohydrates that are normally of low quality, such as sandwiches process, some cereals chaptalisations, as well as the refreshments with gas. These types of foods reduce the metabolism after the exercise. This is because when its body is in a metabolic state (after the training) this, basically, below sugar, therefore, the increase of the sugar ingestion little by little will reduce the speed to which the fat can be burned.
It is necessary to incorporate rich carbohydrates, such as rice, grazes, potatoes (not fried) in his diet, since these foods will give their combustible body sufficient to continue the process of fat burning fire. Some people reduce their carbohydrate consumption drastically to lose weight, nevertheless, to do this will have a negative effect. This is because if its body is not fed, then the metabolism is reduced, like when you are sleeping, and if its metabolism is reduced, then the potential of the fat burning fire immensely is reduced. 2. To realise something of training cardio in the morning. I know that it is difficult to awake to go to work much less and, to only do something of cardiovascular exercise, but this must do if you really want to accelerate your potential to burn fats. If it does cardio at this moment, will throughout maintain his high metabolism the day. This means that its body is going to burn fat to length after to have finished its training.