The living conditions of a given area, give scope for the presence of a certain type of life within the environments, as occurs in desert areas, in which different types of both plant and animal life, reach to the climatic conditions that mean the presence of a few water resources, as well as lot of sand; where a clear example of compatibility to the desert in relation to field conditions as climate, are camels, animals that have perfect characteristics to adapt to the dry and desert areas, since their body by various conditions manage to give a better use of water and the foods you eat, thus not dependent on both the water and can resist a good time without eating any foodTherefore the desert conditions not affect him greatly. Camels among other characteristics, are found in the Group of hoofed animals, that is to say an animal that sits and walks with the end of your fingers, which along with other conditions of their limbs make easy it to largely withstand the heat that occurs in the sand of the desert areas. Speaking of camels it is worth differentiating that there are 2 different types of camels, so are the camelus bactrianus and camelus dromedarius, but if both species exhibit very similar conditions, so much so you can say that the Dromedary is a descendant of the bactrianus. In both species is given the absence of horns, they are ruminants, do not present snout and nasal openings form oblique openings, has a divided upper lip and it is movable separately, also that is extensible, have legs long and slender, with a large abdomen. Two species have something particular in relation to the Group of ungulates, since having instead of hooves, is 2 different fingers. Definite differences between both species are very few, so what is distinguished with the naked eye, is that the dromedarius has a least short fur, a less robust body and instead of having 2 humps, has only 1. Among the physical characteristics more noteworthy of camels, is worth highlighting a hard skin and dry, also in different parts of your body is given the presence of a kind of tripe, in greater measure in the chest and knees, which are a great support for various activities of camels as the weight to the kneel and to rest in the warm soil. The hump, in contrast to what many people believe is not a water storage tank, but that that part of the body of the camels presents an accumulation of fat, which has as a main benefit that accumulate fat in a single point prevents the excretion of water throughout the body, allowing minimum water consumptionIn addition to such hump camels extracted energy when good days have passed without consuming nothing, what will the hump decline, then if the camels consume an adequate amount of food and a good night’s rest the hump will return to its normal position. Original author and source of the article