The vaginal infection by fungi (caused by a leavening of the family of the innocent ones), is quite common and of easy treatment if complications are avoided, the main risk of the same has the people with losses of defenses. The fungi are in our organism coexisting of sensible form with bacteria ” amistosas” without affecting our health negatively. In order to take place the vaginal infection by fungi, the increase is made necessary of the same, which entails to break the balance between the fungi and the bacteria. Factors appear that affect the bacterial balance in the vagina, allowing the presence of the disease. It is important, to have the certainty that the infection is caused by fungi and not by another type of bacteria, otherwise, one is due to resort to a gynecologist to obtain a good diagnosis, and to avoid to confuse the symptoms, with those of an allergy, dermatitis or other problems of the skin. The natural remedies, become very necessary in the treatment of the vaginal infection by fungi, especially in women pregnant women, who easily can present/display the disease during the gestation, considering that during this stage, must avoid the oral medication. Through the years, they have been known some treatments natural that allow the handling of the symptoms to external level. (picor, irritation, pain among others): – One of the most known, to alleviate the infection by fungi, is to mix a liter of water (lukewarm), with average vinegar glass (125 ml), soon to use this mixture to wash the external genital zone internamente and.
The amount of vinegar to use can be greater or smaller following the type and of the sensitivity of each person. This procedure can be realised whichever times is necessary. – To cut in pieces, crude garlic to place it in a container, to mix with boiling water, to cover and soon to take twice to the day. – To take a glass from yogurt natural newspaper, and it wishes if it can mix to the water of its vaginal washing two spoonfuls, when washing itself the genitals with this mixture, this inhibiting the growth of the fungi. -The natural treatments are a good alternative to paracurar a natural infection by if they have been designed by specialists in the subject, they allow to the control of the fungi, curing at the same time the cutaneous affections of the skin and aid to increase to the defenses, coming up repetitive episodes with the disease.