Vivafit, gyms franchise specializing in the care of women, participated in the second edition of the Sport Business Symposium, forum that consolidates as a benchmark in the fitness and in the field of sports management. This Congress of sport under the slogan Marketing and sales professionals: management and improvement, convened for two days more than 100 attendees who could listen to, share and exchange knowledge in the field of training and management of sports activities. Emilio Butragueno, former player of Real Madrid and current manager of this club, was commissioned to inaugurate the day with your paper need for specialization and professionalization in the sports sector. His long sports career gave him to transmit to the attendees all their knowledge about education, management and professionalism in this field. As for the presentation of Vivafit, Rocio Diaz, Director of brand expansion and responsible for the implementation and expansion of the network in Spain, explained before more than one hundred of attendees the marketing strategy of the company, sharing needs and ideas that allowed attendees to discover what they do, how do them, and what opportunities have in this area. A strategy that has led this company to reach 117 franchises in seven years of existence and has managed to grow, not only as a franchise, but also in its specialized services users in improving the health of women today.
Not in vain, their centers offer a full exercise method in 30 minutes, Pilates and a nutrition education program, and already more than 41,000 women have become addicted to your family and fun environment. In addition, Vivafit just presenting the results of the third quarter with growth of 25% over last year. The chain has closed this period with a turnover of 14,83 million euros, compared to the 11,83 in the same period of last year. In fact, the profitability of its concept interests beyond our borders, because their managers expect to join shortly the newly released masterfranquicia of India at least other three master franchises outside the Iberian Peninsula: Brazil, Turkey and Chile, whose negotiations are very advanced. MORE information: Vivafit is a network of centres of exercise, physical health and well-being for women, which provides a complete method to be in form with just 30 minutes of daily exercise, pilates and a program of nutritional education, all in a fun family atmosphere. This chain of franchise allows today’s woman staying fit in a quick way, since an instructor encouraged, corrected and motivates, but always respecting the pace and the possibilities of each partner. The total investment required to become a franchisee of this signature varies between 120,000 and 130,000 euros, including a working capital, a right of entry of 14.433 euros, works of local adaptation and equipment required to equip a Center. There are three periodical payments: a royalty of exploitation of 750 euros, a technological rate of 150 euros and a EUR 300 advertising royalty.