protein molecules – the main chemical material of the complex man. These proteins are composed of only 20 amino acids. Cells rights and any and all other living creatures contain genetic material in the form of DNA macromolecules with the same genetic code. The difference is that in the course of evolution through the accumulation of DNA information lengthened. Many genes amoeba and human are very similar. The memory of the biological roots of man is manifested in the rudiments. 4,5 Thus, the person being biological. At the time Plato called it “a two-legged animal without feathers.
” The man really has no feathers, and has two legs, but in this definition is overlooked important – namely, the essence of man, and as aptly B. Pascal: “Man does not lose his humanity, losing two legs, and cock does not acquire human qualities when losing feathers. ” Later, Aristotle called man a social animal, possessing intelligence. After him, most of the great thinkers have come to the conclusion that the most important feature which distinguishes man from beast, is that it is a social being, or social. Children of Men after birth – not the most adapted to the life of all living beings and it grows out of man only at home, in a society where it is taught to live, give him knowledge about the world, form the ability to work. 6 Indeed, man appears as a phenomenon, which is kind of a combination of biological and accumulates social influence.