Understanding The Infinite

The history of the infinite, that is, the history of the concepts of the infinite, is not a history of the mathematics. It is before a history of the evolution of the scientific thought and of as it is possible if to think about something that exceeds any possibility of understanding. (BARROS, Enrique Lins of. One soon history of the infinite) Is very complex to understand and ' ' perceber' ' the infinite, all the things tending to the infinite. More complex and intriguing it is to understand and even though to perceive that this directly on and is related with all our human and scientific development. The infinite always was an incognito in all the history of scientific and philosophical development. Some scholars had tried to decide this ' ' problema' ' , but they had not gotten success, as Newton, the Greek philosopher Zeno, Galileu, among others, and still today the infinite cause much controversy, as he is possible to perceive in the concepts developed for the scientist Stephen Hawking (for example the theory of the imaginary time). This is recurrent in all history, because it is very difficult e, in some cases because not to say impossible a human being to conceive the idea of the infinite.

To imagine all a life tending to the infinite. All the theories to be in part objection for the infinite, that everything what it is known and if perceives suddenly to have another form of conception. In this aspect, what it will be tried to approach here are the relative contradictions and understandings to the infinite, based mainly in the workmanship of Richard Morris, One brief history of the Infinite. In this workmanship the author approaches all the relative theories, philosophies and conceptions to the infinite, in an understandable didactic boarding. It shows the pertinent difficulties since Greece, with filosfo Zeno, first to write on relative ideologies to the infinite, until the current days, with the advent of the Quantum Mechanics and the Theory Relativista de Einstein, that had also not obtained to solve the infinite.

Biological Sciences

Diverse areas exist, in such a way how much biological doctors whom they aim at to study the human development, trying to evolve the qualification and the mechanisms of clinical analyses. Between diverse the existing ones, it was created in 1966, a called course Biological Sciences, that improved the students, characterizing them in disgnostic search better and treatments for the illnesses. This science evolved with passing of the years and today Biomedicina.A Biomedicina is called is the science that leads studies and research in the field of interface between biology and medicine, come back toward the research of the illnesses human beings, its ambient factors e, with intention to find its cause, mechanism, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The main areas of performance of a Biomedical one are, mainly, these: Clinical analysis, Bank of Blood, Industries, Imagenologia (ray-x), Acupuntura, Molecular Biology, Gentica and Docncia, that would be the act to give lessons in the diverse universities of our country. Knowing of this importance, woman editor Guanabara Koogan if makes responsible for the sales of biomedical books and books of medicine of highest quality, where students and professionals can improve its knowledge with the excellency of the didactic contents disponibilizados by an publishing company that preza for the differentiated quality of its books. Filed under: Dan Ariely. At last, you, professional fit of the area or student, to opt to an improvement of quality and without risks. Knowledge never is excessively, and being qualified as the ones that the Guanabara Koogan offers, will be easy still more to understand this complex and important biomedical world.


Questions on the importance of the DNA in the current days demonstrate that the participants of Group G2CA relate the DNA with transgnicos, more nutritional improvement of foods, foods what it becomes well-known that the same ones had appropriated of the word, but not of the concept. Exactly not if appropriating of the word, the participants of Group G2CA had changed its conceptions on Biotechnology when compared with group G1CA where the majority did not know to answer to this question. Beyond the questionings cited on biotechnology the participants had been instigated to answer on Biotica. The participants of Group G2CA had related the Biotica with the expressions ‘ ‘ behavior humana’ ‘ with 35% of frequency and ‘ ‘ groups of pessoas’ ‘ with 10%, while in Group G1CA all the participants had not known to answer this question.

The participants of Group G2CA had answered on the importance of the Biotica in the Biotechnology where they had used the expressions ‘ ‘ Paper to observe and to take care of so that the transformations are beneficial it to be humano’ ‘ ‘ ‘ To identify as the changes will go in afetar’ ‘ , while all the participants of Group G1CA had not known or they had not answered to the investigated question. The results disclose that the participants of Group G2CA had presented in correct and sufficiently pertinent way the importance of Biotica in the Biotechnology. In a generalized manner, it can be concluded that the constructions of activities had contributed in significant way so that the participants it Group G2CA, after-test, had agreement on Ensino de Biotecnologia in discipline of chemistry. With these activities and to break of situations problem, the participants had revealed motivated and interested on the biotechnological processes associating the advances of this science with the reality. He also observed himself that the more descriptive participants had assumen themselves of a scientific writing becoming in relation its answers.