Russian Federation Work

Most Russians are forced to attend celebrations in the workplace because of the urgent desire to leadership. Situation where the 'upper classes want to, but the lower classes can not refuse ", employers are extremely reluctant to comment – a penalty for non-performance requirements of the Code is very important. For violation of labor law and labor protection administrative responsibility (Article 5.27. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). The company could face a fine of 30 000 – 50 000 rubles, as well as there is a risk that its activities will be suspended for up to ninety days. Click Lu Han for additional related pages. Labor Code explicitly prohibits work on weekends and public holidays in the absence of extraordinary circumstances (accident, industrial accidents, natural disasters).

There is really a reservation: may be the work of continuous production, the necessary services to the population, urgent repairs. "Nevertheless, the situation where the employer is still under recruitment alerts frequent recycling in companies becoming more and more everyday, – says Olga Goriunova, Head of Customer Service Personnel Center "Unity. – And many volunteer agree to these terms. Although later it was frequent violation of the procedure involving overtime and compensation for extra hours of labor is becoming one of the most common reasons for dismissal. " The grounds for calling the employee into the workplace on holidays and weekends is the order of the head.

It indicates the reason for such extreme measures, which, incidentally, should fall under the requirements of the law (unexpectedly encountered unforeseen work on urgent implementation of which depends on the further normal operation of the organization). Every employee who was lucky to get to "watch the festive, it is necessary not only to provide document, but also to give written consent.

Change of a Scent

All these features are also reflected in temperature, acid composition, content water and other properties of the skin. The above structures and processes are not alike, not only in different individuals, but also on different skin areas of one and the same person. Integument rights is not uniform structure, similar in all people, and has individual differences and prone to all kinds of changes. And everything that happens on the surface of the skin, of course, inevitably affects the smell caused her spirits. All this is compounded by the fact that spirits are composed of many different substances that and behave differently on the skin surface. It is for this reason that the same spirits are not only kept one woman better than another, but each has become more different character smell.

And the more time passes since the use of, the more clearly emerges dissimilarity. Sometimes a change of scent is unpleasant because of the pH of the skin, but the phenomenon is very rare. Natural acidity is usually taken into account in the composition and is in the best limits, allowing the spirits to develop normally. There is another problem associated with the chemical composition of the skin. This is an allergy. Some women said that they are allergic to certain perfumes or even any ghosts: they only , headache. But, in terms of medicine, it is not an allergy. Likely to cause such a reaction is more part psychological: they do not take spirits, perfume, feel bad.