We finish with these myths about coconut oil now. #1 Myth: Coconut oil contains too much fat, so it should make us gain weight. Truth: Not all fats make you gain weight (would this tattoo on my forehead). Certain fats if they cause upload weight, but other good fats in fact burn the unwanted fat from your body and accelerate your metabolism. I explain this in much greater detail in the chapter on the program to eat to lose fat, so be sure to refer to your manual to find out those details. #2 Myth: Coconut oil contains almost pure saturated fat, so it must be bad for you.
Truth: The saturated fat is not the cause of diseases of the heart, of the weight gain and high cholesterol. The saturated fat has been accused falsely, sugar is the number one enemy (is worse than the Joker on Batman). New account, this is explained thoroughly in your manual (the truth about of the fat saturated), mentioning facts and figures that prove that in reality the saturated fat is not our biggest problem. #3 Myth: Coconut oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease. Truth: The fat in coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can eat (Yes, even those who suffer from heart diseases).
It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, besides that it contains no trans fats. Fat saturated coconut oil is different from many other oils that belongs to the variety of fatty acids of medium chain (AGCM). The body digests the AGCM more easily and directly sends these fats to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Isn’t it great? A fat that is used for energy rather than being stored in our bodies. Everyone can take advantage of this. I recommend widely you use organic coconut oil unrefined cooking. 1 To 2 teaspoons are more than sufficient for cooking. You can even use it crude, tastes delicious! Usually consumption of 2 to 3 tablespoons in total by day, which is a perfect amount for an eating plan for fat burning. Although it is very good for you, there is no need to exaggerate. Now, you continue and enjoy your coconut oil. By Ramiro Ruiz if you want more articles like this, Subscribe to my blog by email is free!