Dermatological Clinics

Observation at dermatological clinics, have been extracted interesting conclusions which describes a characteristic psychological atmosphere, which points out that people with such conditions, present a psychological situation, which has been described as a deseseperacion controlled but anxious, different from a depression but with a particular anxiety, because even though are not threatened with death, the outward appearance of your bodyIt is ill and therefore its social, something very important image in our society is committed. This is a matter of intense concern, which is transformed into a source of anxiety and the feeling of discomfort or pain, joins the mortification that produce them. These circumstances, this subjective frame, distinguishes these people of others. They tend to be, for those reasons, subject of social comment, being able to find cases of rejection, motivated by the idea of a contagion or a picture of little neatness. The skin is a terminal of the body, where the acting equivalent of emotional processes, being what we can call, an organ of expression, determined by defined processes, both when observed through the voluntary nervous system as involuntary. When we think of skin, we must take into account, that it is not perceived as a system of layers, as it is from the histological point of view, but that the subject receives the effects in terms of situations in which is involved. Sometimes, the manifestations of the skin, appear in points of sensitivity to different stimuli, such as cold, burning, itching, or pleasure.And so, as the qualities of the touch system, from the aesthetic point of view and cosmetic, can give rise to feelings of beauty or ugliness, of purity or impurity, pallor, blush, smoothness or roughness.There have been experiments with hypnosis, as with hysteria, in which came to cause skin lesions and heal with the same procedure, in a very short time span, which to led researchers to consider seriously the presence and importance of psychic factors in production and cures for these disorders. Original author and source of the article.

Remove Stains

Acne can be making old, removes stains easily with these 5 tips. The choice of makeup. Women should use water-based makeup. You don’t want to clog the pores with oil-based makeup. Acne should not be covered with make-up in excess. It is better for the health of your skin.

Even makeup may damage your skin. The importance of relaxation. Beat stress by taking some time to only do what you enjoy. You can even create a daily plan. Stress can hinder any effort you make to cure acne. Stress can make acne worse with time. Alcohol is harmful.

Acne can win its time if you drink alcohol on a regular basis. It can be difficult, but limited alcohol consumption as much as possible or maybe leave it completely. Fight against acne with detoxification. The toxicity in your body may decrease with a good cleaning and a detoxification program. Acne worsens with the presence of toxins in your body. You only have to periodically delete these toxins both as possible and having a shiny skin. It cleans your body once a month. Toothpaste and acne. Believe it or not, the toothpaste can really help your condition. There are some guidelines that you should remember when you use toothpaste for acne. Before you go to bed at night, apply a touch of toothpaste on acne and leave it on overnight. Use warm water for washing in the morning.