Denzil Romero and his Trilogies cover a great arc of time, in this mester. (d) emergence of a pessimistic novel against the errors of the past, face defeat. The most evident case we can read in the (I desolvido, of Victoria Duno (today: Victoria De Stefano) e) introduction of religious traits, sometimes esoteric, others seeking the exaltation, understanding or simple knowledge of miracles, legends, aspects of the magical world, or simply ad hoc creations. In love and terror of the words, Briceno Guerrero, it is possible to columbrar some of these aspects. Also in the poetry of Armando Rojas Guardia. Fortunately, as it is said that it said Heraclitus of Ephesus: us not bathe twice in the same river, the Venezuelan literature has also had its dialectic and new generations, since the 1980s, illuminate new paths.
Eduardo Liendo and Luis Barrera Linares are two incidental examples. Now, while us conceive literature as an act of love and of historical solidarity, participate in the words of Cortazar, in polemic with Oscar Collazos, (1980: 76) nothing may seem me better today is write good novels immersed in the context socio-cultural and political, and that these novels are widely read and help increase the Latin American Revolutionary consciousness; But beware of denying other novelists, envelope whose honesty and responsibility can not fit doubt, the right to the most obscure searches, to the most vertiginous experiences. In other words: in Latin America, the coming social changes according to our instincts, will undoubtedly be many. Such changes shall be marked by a new relationship between this collective subject and individual subjects called authors. Such a relationship will have to be away from what were some aberrations of the socialist realism of yesterday. As it is in Venezuela, we must building the socialism of the 21st century, human, democratic. However, a changing environment in a heavenly manner may not be conceived.