The Right Food After Exercise

Fast Food as nutrition for athletes prohibited only athletes who train hard every day have a muscular body. The way there is usually heavy and you must wait until it has reached its destination. The three components of training, nutrition and recovery must be properly co-ordinated, to reach the goal faster. Especially during strength training, nutrition plays a very important role. In each workout, the muscles of our body are subjected to loads. The muscle must work to stem weight or to move our body. The individual fibers of the muscle will be hurt.

Thus weakens the strength training our muscles first and the actual construction begins in the recovery phase,”explains Tobias Fendt, operator of the sports food Portal The regeneration and thus enlarging the muscles, the body needs the proper nutrients. The muscles consist primarily of protein and water. Au high-quality proteins are therefore after training required to supply the muscles properly and to ensure all conditions for a successful muscle building. The optimum post workout nutrition ideally consists of high-quality protein and carbohydrates quickly. Because after the workout, the body must replenish its energy reserves and repair his muscles, and increase”, says fitness expert Tobias Fendt.

A protein shake after a workout is ideal for this reason. About an hour after training a full meal should be consumed, which supplies the body with minerals, vitamins, long-chained carbohydrates and protein. A perfect dish is for example a lean Turkey steak with whole wheat pasta and a salad,”says Tobias Fendt. If you exhausted after your workout to eat, often taking on the wrong products. Often, Fast Food is consumed, which has a negative effect on the body. This absorbs the body of unhealthy trans fats and often poorly utilizable protein. The fat slows the metabolism, so that important nutrients, such as proteins, only belatedly are transported to the muscles.” However must be not always even cooked, to get high-quality food. Athletes can order even healthy eating with the delivery service. For example, the portal Lieferando can be used to find providers that deliver food quickly, but at the same time provide a healthy and optimal meal”, Tobias Fendt is proposing. Blog under /… can interested parties read which dishes are recommended after the workout and how you can promote the Muskelaubau. Tobias fendt